Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by trooper »

shypike wrote:There could be some stability problem.
The easiest way out is to schedule a daily restart in the SABnzbd scheduler.
(Restart of SABnzbd, not of the system).
The problem with that is that if sabnzbd has crashed, it can't restart itself :D
What I have done for the time being, is to applescript a sabnzbd start event and schedule that to run daily in the early hours of the morning via iCal, as sabnzbd seems to play happily with applescript :)
Not a fix, but it does mean the longest i'll have to go without it running will likely only be a few hours.

As mentioned, I expect it is a crash in a library that sabnzbd uses that takes it down (such as yenc), rather than sabnzbd itself, but it would be nice if it could be a bit more robust...
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

It's not robust on your system.
It is stable on the system of most other users.
Which only means that it is just about impossible to hunt down such an issue.
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by trooper »

shypike wrote:It's not robust on your system.
It is stable on the system of most other users.
Which only means that it is just about impossible to hunt down such an issue.
Its not impossible, it is difficult, but there is certainly a way to write software that is more robust for situations like these without hunting for specific issues. I develop software for a living, so I do have some idea what i'm talking about.

I accept it isn't easy or fast or even the best use of time and effort though.
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by sander »

trooper wrote:
shypike wrote:It's not robust on your system.
It is stable on the system of most other users.
Which only means that it is just about impossible to hunt down such an issue.
Its not impossible, it is difficult, but there is certainly a way to write software that is more robust for situations like these without hunting for specific issues. I develop software for a living, so I do have some idea what i'm talking about.

I accept it isn't easy or fast or even the best use of time and effort though.
The good news is that SABnzbd is Open Source Software. So you can access the source code, and improve it. As a first step, you could consider running SABnzbd from the python source (so not the compiled OSX version) so that you can hunt down what what's going on on your system.

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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

trooper wrote: As mentioned, I expect it is a crash in a library that sabnzbd uses that takes it down (such as yenc), rather than sabnzbd itself,
There's one easy way to check the yEnc library.
Just remove and _yenc.pyd from the folder structure.
SABnzbd will fall back to equivalent (but slower) Python code for yEnc decoding.
If this action prevents further crashes then at least I will have a lead for further research.
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by moilejter »

I've noticed this random quitting, myself. Today, I looked into it, and sabnzbd had crashed.
I will attaching the crash report to this posting, in case this helps. The top few lines of the crash report are these:

Code: Select all

Process:         SABnzbd [37314]
Path:            /Applications/
Version:         0.6.10 (0.0.0)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [287]

Date/Time:       2011-10-27 20:09:21.219 -0500
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version:  9

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
objc[37314]: garbage collection is OFF

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib        	0x00007fff94259bb6 __psynch_cvsignal + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib             	0x00007fff9607965a pthread_cond_signal_thread_np + 692
2   org.python.python             	0x000000010c782550 PyThread_release_lock + 77
3   org.python.python             	0x000000010c759c95 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 17731
4   org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
5   org.python.python             	0x000000010c75be6c PyEval_EvalCode + 341
6   org.python.python             	0x000000010c758e0a PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14008
7   org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
8   org.python.python             	0x000000010c6f9abf PyClassMethod_New + 1378
9   org.python.python             	0x000000010c6d8d32 PyObject_Call + 97
10  org.python.python             	0x000000010c7595ec PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 16026
11  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
12  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75be6c PyEval_EvalCode + 341
13  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758e0a PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14008
14  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
15  org.python.python             	0x000000010c6f9abf PyClassMethod_New + 1378
16  org.python.python             	0x000000010c6d8d32 PyObject_Call + 97
17                      	0x000000010cefc087 0x10cecc000 + 196743
18  org.python.python             	0x000000010c6d8d32 PyObject_Call + 97
19  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758f63 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14353
20  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
21  org.python.python             	0x000000010c6f9abf PyClassMethod_New + 1378
22  org.python.python             	0x000000010c6d8d32 PyObject_Call + 97
23                      	0x000000010cee2449 0x10cecc000 + 91209
24  libffi.dylib                  	0x00007fff9585e7ea ffi_closure_unix64_inner + 510
25  libffi.dylib                  	0x00007fff9585dffe ffi_closure_unix64 + 70
26          	0x00007fff923ff014 __NSFireTimer + 102
27      	0x00007fff950a2f84 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 20
28      	0x00007fff950a2ad6 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 534
29      	0x00007fff95083471 __CFRunLoopRun + 1617
30      	0x00007fff95082ae6 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
31           	0x00007fff901b83d3 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 277
32           	0x00007fff901bf63d ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
33           	0x00007fff901bf4ca BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
34              	0x00007fff90f633f1 _DPSNextEvent + 659
35              	0x00007fff90f62cf5 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 135
36              	0x00007fff90f5f62d -[NSApplication run] + 470
37              	0x00007fff911de80c NSApplicationMain + 867
38                    	0x000000010e57b20f 0x10e57a000 + 4623
39  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758d77 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 13861
40  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
41  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75be6c PyEval_EvalCode + 341
42  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758e0a PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14008
43  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
44  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bd4d PyEval_EvalCode + 54
45  org.python.python             	0x000000010c77308f Py_CompileString + 62
46  org.python.python             	0x000000010c77314f PyRun_FileExFlags + 157
47  org.python.python             	0x000000010c7511f6 _PyBuiltin_Init + 4630
48  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758d77 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 13861
49  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
50  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75be6c PyEval_EvalCode + 341
51  org.python.python             	0x000000010c758e0a PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 14008
52  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bcd8 PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1996
53  org.python.python             	0x000000010c75bd4d PyEval_EvalCode + 54
54  org.python.python             	0x000000010c77308f Py_CompileString + 62
55  org.python.python             	0x000000010c77314f PyRun_FileExFlags + 157
56  org.python.python             	0x000000010c7742a2 PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags + 392
57              	0x000000010c3a8b10 0x10c3a6000 + 11024
58              	0x000000010c3a6f21 main + 1401
59              	0x000000010c3a69a0 start + 52
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by Mankymanning »

I get the same issue, Sabnzbd process is still there but not responding. I have to quit it in activity mgr and restart it.

Code: Select all

2011-11-10 22:05:38,055::INFO::[__init__:838] Saving data for totals9.sab in /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/admin/totals9.sab
2011-11-10 22:05:38,055::INFO::[__init__:838] Saving data for rss_data.sab in /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/admin/rss_data.sab
2011-11-10 22:05:38,056::INFO::[__init__:838] Saving data for bookmarks.sab in /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/admin/bookmarks.sab
2011-11-10 22:05:38,056::INFO::[__init__:838] Saving data for watched_data.sab in /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/admin/watched_data.sab
2011-11-10 22:05:38,056::INFO::[postproc:83] Saving postproc queue
2011-11-10 22:05:38,057::INFO::[__init__:838] Saving data for postproc1.sab in /Users/mark/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/admin/postproc1.sab
2011-11-10 22:05:38,057::INFO::[postproc:603] Queue has finished, launching: None (None)
2011-11-11 07:00:00,000::INFO::[downloader:238] Bandwidth limit set to 100
2011-11-11 08:01:58,621::ERROR::[dirscanner:284] Cannot read Watched Folder /Users/mark/downloads/_nzb
2011-11-11 08:02:10,009::ERROR::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Error in HTTP server: shutting down
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cherrypy/process/servers.pyc", line 75, in _start_http_thread
  File "cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.pyc", line 1655, in start
  File "cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.pyc", line 1703, in tick
  File "<string>", line 4, in accept
  File "socket.pyc", line 195, in accept
error: [Errno 24] Too many open files

2011-11-11 08:02:10,044::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
2011-11-11 08:02:10,045::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 17921)) shut down
2011-11-11 08:02:10,046::ERROR::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Error in HTTP server: shutting down
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cherrypy/process/servers.pyc", line 75, in _start_http_thread
  File "cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.pyc", line 1655, in start
  File "cherrypy/wsgiserver/__init__.pyc", line 1703, in tick
  File "socket.pyc", line 195, in accept
error: [Errno 24] Too many open files

2011-11-11 08:02:10,048::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus STOPPING
2011-11-11 08:02:10,048::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 17921)) already shut down
2011-11-11 08:02:10,059::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 8080)) shut down
2011-11-11 08:02:10,061::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE HTTP Server cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer(('', 8080)) shut down
2011-11-11 08:02:10,062::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2011-11-11 08:02:10,062::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Stopped thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2011-11-11 08:02:10,063::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
2011-11-11 08:02:10,063::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus STOPPED
2011-11-11 08:02:10,063::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus EXITING
2011-11-11 08:02:10,064::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus EXITING
2011-11-11 08:02:10,064::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus EXITED
2011-11-11 08:02:10,064::INFO::[_cplogging:55] [11/Nov/2011:08:02:10] ENGINE Bus EXITED
2011-11-11 19:03:43,468::INFO::[SABnzbd:1170] Console logging for OSX App disabled
2011-11-11 19:03:43,507::INFO::[SABnzbd:1177] --------------------------------
2011-11-11 19:03:43,507::INFO::[SABnzbd:1178] (rev=19daeab0f359d27a92d6d0f5f09f3f4c644511be)
2011-11-11 19:03:43,507::INFO::[SABnzbd:1190] Platform = posix
2011-11-11 19:03:43,507::INFO::[SABnzbd:1191] Python-version = 2.6.3 (r263:75183, Oct  5 2009, 14:29:08) 
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)]
2011-11-11 19:03:43,508::INFO::[SABnzbd:1192] Arguments = "/Applications/"
2011-11-11 19:03:43,508::INFO::[SABnzbd:1196] [osx] IO priority setting
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

Mankymanning wrote:I get the same issue, Sabnzbd process is still there but not responding. I have to quit it in activity mgr and restart it.
How many server connections have you set?
Do you have some browser add-on that communicates with SABnzbd?
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by Mankymanning »

20 and I also use a Chrome plugin to add NZBs
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

Can you disable the Chrome plugin altogether?
We've seen a few similar reports from Linux users.
Some Linux distributions have a low threshold for TCP/IP sockets,
which is a problem when you also use a browser add-on that tries to
connect to SABnzbd a few times per second.
I can imagine a similar scenario in your case.
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by Mankymanning »

This is happening even when I am away and not using it though, not just when I am interacting with a browser plugin?
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by lallhands »

I am running linux and did the following with good results

chmod 755 /storage/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/service.downloadmanager.SABnzbd-Suite/admin/*.* (Or wherever your totals9.sab file resides)

Been running for 6+ hours downloading non-stop.

**Update**Downloaded all night - no crashes, no issues! This looks like a fix!
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

moilejter wrote:I've noticed this random quitting, myself. Today, I looked into it, and sabnzbd had crashed.
I will attaching the crash report to this posting, in case this helps. The top few lines of the crash report are these:
As an experiment, can you try to run SABnzbd in 32 bit mode (instead of the default 64bit mode)?
Stop SABnzbd.
Open a Terminal window (Programs->Utilities)
arch -i386 /Applications/

So far I haven't been able to crash SABnzbd on my mid-2010 miniMac.
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by sumocomputers »

I am having a very similar issue, so I am going to try some of the troubleshooting here, and see if I can help narrow it down.

The web interface can be up for days at a time, and then all of a sudden die. It happens for both HTTP (port 8085) and HTTPS (port 9090). I get Sab restarted, and it can die again in 24 hours, then it is OK again for a long time again.

Here is my setup:

2010 Mac Mini
Snow Leopard 64 Bit Mode
SabNZBd 0.6.10 (also happened on 0.6.09)
Chrome Plugin Sabconnect++
Couch Potato Version 1d99335 on the same box
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Re: Sabnzbd+ randomly quitting on OSX

Post by shypike »

Same advise: try the Leopard version for a while.
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