Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" files)

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Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" files)

Post by kr0ll0 »

Hi, I'm having a problem with processing downloads:

I'm using the RSS feed on to load TV releases. For some reason (possibly their indexing system?) what one would expect to be one collection/group of posts, is often split into at least three. One being the .nfo, one being the .par2 files, and the last being the .rar files, the .sfv, and the main .par2 file (the one with zero blocks).

This does have the advantage that I can easily avoid downloading the .par2 files unless I need them. But it also means that even if I have sabnzbd download all three collections, processing will fail because it saves each collection in a different folder. For at least half the files it downloads, I need to visit the incomplete folder, manually start the .par2 file verifying, and extract the contents myself (after finding there was nothing wrong with them except the .nfo wasn't in the same folder).

I know this might not be possible due to the par2 module being used... But is there a way to make it ignore certain missing files? Or is there another way to rectify this behaviour?
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Re: Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" file

Post by shypike »

Let binsearch combine all material in one NZB.
SABnzbd is already clever enough not to download more par2 files than needed.
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Re: Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" file

Post by kr0ll0 »

Thanks for the info about the par2s shypike. Could you elaborate on what you're suggesting for the site in question? Unless there's something I'm missing, I'm not requesting it split anything up - that's the way both the site and the RSS feed return results by default. Example: Search "south park 720p"
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Re: Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" file

Post by shypike »

Check the right boxes and then click on "get nzb".
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Re: Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" file

Post by kr0ll0 »

You're implying that sabnzbd cannot accomplish what I would need to do at this point in time, correct? And so if I want to use binsearch and sabnzdb exclusively, I need to choose between downloading automatically and processing manually, or downloading manually and processing automatically?

Is there a way to have sabnzbd write all files to one directory with no subdirectories? I guess for now I'm going to turn off the "Post-Process Only Verified Jobs" switch...
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Re: Processing errors w/ nzb's ("missing" file

Post by shypike »

If you cannot get reliable and complete NZB files, it makes no sense to use SABnzbd.
I think you should look at real indexers like, etc. and not a raw search engine like binsearch.
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