I am completely new to both SABnzbd+ and this script ( and I know next to nothing about programming ), so I apologize in advance if my issue is a stupid mistake on my part, but I get the following error when I attempt to use this script which causes it to fail to move the file(s):
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PROGRA~2\SABnzbd\Scripts\media_sort.py", line 328, in <module>
if verifySpaceAvailable(categorySource, categoryDestination) == 0:
File "C:\PROGRA~2\SABnzbd\Scripts\media_sort.py", line 106, in verifySpaceAvailable
if getStorageAvailable(source) != getStorageAvailable(dest):
File "C:\PROGRA~2\SABnzbd\Scripts\media_sort.py", line 84, in getStorageAvailable
disk = os.statvfs(path)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'statvfs'
To provide more information, I am running Windows 7, have plenty of free space on all drives, and my Movie category settings look like:
Code: Select all
source = F:\Downloads\SABnzbd\Movies
destination = H:\Movies
min_download_size = 500MB
min_file_size = 200MB
xbmc_library = video
Is the problem with the source and destination paths in the settings.ini? Any help would be greatly appreciated!