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Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 3:04 am
by Romfrosk

I've stumbled over a strange issue.

My server for some reason started to shut down automatically, with no bluescreen, messages, or events in the event viewer.

After some troubleshooting I saw that after I started sabnzbd, it took just 10-70 seconds and the server just shuts down with no message.
I stopped Sab from starting. and the server kept on forever.

Uninstalled Sab, Removed all settings, and installed it again.
This time, the server kept on even though sabnzbd was started.

I set up sabnzbd again. and everything still seemed okey.
Then I started a download, it downloaded all good.
But when the unpacking started. it took 10-40 seconds and the server again shut down.

Anyone had this experience before?

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 2nd, 2014, 11:01 am
by jcfp
Did you instruct sab to shutdown after finishing the queue? (or do you have some stupid web browser that keeps setting this for you every time you visit the web interface)

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 6th, 2014, 5:16 am
by Romfrosk
On finish is blank, and this happens just after it starts unpacking the first completed download.
There are more downloads in queue

I somehow need to resync my entire Raid every time this happens.
So i'll do some tests on my disks, even though they appear "healthy"

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 7th, 2014, 2:29 pm
by shypike
Are you using unrar from RarLabs?
The open source versions are no good.

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 1:46 pm
by Romfrosk
After some troubleshooting it seems to be just when it's done or during Verifying that the server shuts down.
It's no warning or anything in the logfile giving any clue to what happens.

Can anyone tell me What Sabnzbd uses during verifying, i want to reinstall the needed applications/parts to check if that helps.

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 2:30 pm
by Romfrosk
It might seem like i fixed the problem.
2 Downloads successfully unzipped/unpacked.

I did this:

* Redownloaded par2.exe, par2-classic.exe, x64\par2.exe, unrar.exe
* Repaired Visual c++ 2010, 2013 and reinstalled 2008.

I saw that par2 uses Visual c++.

i can't tell which of these steps that solved the issue, but i'll get back to you guys if it has not been solved.

Seems I was a bit fast to assume it was fixed.
2/3 downloads worked fine, but 3rd resulted in the same.

I tried moving all filehandling over to an SSD, but it still shuts down.
So it seems that the RAID or SSD is not the problem. (all are healthy and shows no evidence of issues.)

I've wondered if I should go over to Windows Server 2012 R2 for training purposes, so maybe this is a good spot to do so.

Re: Computer shuts down during unpacking

Posted: June 11th, 2014, 1:11 pm
by shypike
par2-classic should always work, unless you have a hardware issue.
You can force the use of "classic" by setting Config->Special->par2_multicore to off.
We've seen failures of multi-core before, but almost always with suspected hardware.