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Error 406 on a Synology

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 3:54 pm
by kavehse
I had Sickbeard, Sabnzbd and Couchpotato working fine on my synology. But something happened (maybe an automatic update) and now I get error message when running SAB. I hav etried to uninstall everything relevant to it, all the way to Perl, and re-installed from scratch, but this is what I get when I only install Python and SABNZBD.


406 Not Acceptable

identity, gzip

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/volume1/@appstore/sabnzbd/share/SABnzbd/cherrypy/", line 618, in respond
cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
File "/volume1/@appstore/sabnzbd/share/SABnzbd/cherrypy/", line 25, in __call__
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "/volume1/@appstore/sabnzbd/share/SABnzbd/sabnzbd/", line 303, in index
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/wizard/')
HTTPRedirect: ([''], 303)

Re: Error 406 on a Synology

Posted: October 18th, 2014, 5:24 pm
by shypike
There seems to be a problem in the wizard.
Did you keep a copy of the sabnzbd.ini file.
If so, restore it.