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Categories "Folder/Path" Ignoring Leading Space in Directory

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 11:34 am
by DesertRat
Ever since upgrading to 0.7.20 (OS X Mavericks), I've had a funny issue. The program isn't respecting the leading space I have in directory paths within the "Categories" section.


One category is called "movies" and the "Folder/Path" has always been:
/Volumes/Drobo/ Incoming/couchpotato

Since the 0.7.20 update, sabnzbd is creating a new path at:
/Volumes/Drobo/Incoming/couchpotato (sans space before "Incoming")

Re: Categories "Folder/Path" Ignoring Leading Space in Direc

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 1:19 pm
by jcfp
According to the discussion in (in dutch) that's intentional, and the behaviour of earlier releases actually the result of a bug that prevented such spaces from being removed as intended all along.

Re: Categories "Folder/Path" Ignoring Leading Space in Direc

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 1:19 pm
by shypike
The leading space should always have been removed, only it wasn't due to a bug.
On several platforms fooling around with leading and trailing spaces can cause problems.
We decided to prevent those.
A leading underscore will work.

Re: Categories "Folder/Path" Ignoring Leading Space in Direc

Posted: November 25th, 2014, 2:24 pm
by DesertRat
Many thanks for the replies. I will change my settings to no longer use the trailing space.