extend functionality of 'Add' button?

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extend functionality of 'Add' button?

Post by OneCD »

Using SABnzbd 2.3.7 on Debian 9.7 and viewed with Firefox 65.0

This suggestion is primarily about the "Upload NZB" 'Add' button, but could be extended to the "Fetch NZB from URL" 'Add' button too.

Current behavior is: if no file has been selected and the 'Add' button is clicked:

... then display a thin, red border around the "Browse..." field, like this:

That thin, red border indicates the field is empty and this makes sense as no file can be uploaded to SABnzbd if the user hasn't already selected one.

There are odd people (like me) who instinctively click on the 'Add' button first, as that is usual behavior for various apps in my native KDE. Actually, it's even required on that same screen where it's necessary to click the arrow to the right of the drop-down fields to select a different option.

May I suggest the behavior of 'Add' is changed to either of the following instead?
  1. if field is empty and user clicks 'Add', then open the file picker dialog - same as when clicking 'Browse...'
  2. the 'Add' button text initially reads as 'Browse...' (and opens a file picker dialog) then, once a file has been selected, changes to 'Upload'.
Thank you. :)
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