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Different Download/Extraction Directories (depending on NZB size)

Posted: October 14th, 2022, 11:07 am
by live4ever
Not sure if this has been requested before but it’d be useful if sab could auto choose alternate directories (dl/extract) based on the size of the NZB.

For example, if the NZB is greater than 50GB
-set directory to a large SATA multi TB drive
if the NZB is less than 50GB
-set directory to a smaller NVME multi GB drive or a RAM drive

Thanks for considering.

Re: Different Download/Extraction Directories (depending on NZB size)

Posted: October 14th, 2022, 12:06 pm
by sander
I think you can:

Create two categories
BIG, pointing to SATA
SMALL, pointing to NVME

Write a pre-queue script that assigns category based on size. See

Re: Different Download/Extraction Directories (depending on NZB size)

Posted: October 14th, 2022, 2:03 pm
by safihre
Indeed, the example script on the page sander links has exactly what you need. Just instead of priority, you can set a category.