Bookmarklet for Binsearch to sabnzbd (works for iPad, iPhone, etc...)
Posted: August 9th, 2010, 11:38 pm
I wanted a quick way to send nzb's from to my sabnzbd server from my iPad so I whipped up a bookmarklet to handle this task. Please note that this bookmarklet should be considered alpha so if your computer and/or device should melt down after using it don't hold me responsible. To use this bookmarklet:
1) Copy the code below to a text editor and edit the first four variables (apikey,sabnzbdserver,useSSL, and defaultCat) to your liking
2) Paste the edited code into the script box at
3) Change the title of the script to whatever you'd like on the page
4) Bookmark the link at the bottom of the screen.
This has been tested with iPad, iPhone, Firefox and Safari. This code was developed using pieces from this greasemonkey script. Many thanks to the author of this script. YMMV!
EDIT: Fixed issue with code. If you've created a bookmarklet that isn't working, try recreating with this code.
1) Copy the code below to a text editor and edit the first four variables (apikey,sabnzbdserver,useSSL, and defaultCat) to your liking
2) Paste the edited code into the script box at
3) Change the title of the script to whatever you'd like on the page
4) Bookmark the link at the bottom of the screen.
This has been tested with iPad, iPhone, Firefox and Safari. This code was developed using pieces from this greasemonkey script. Many thanks to the author of this script. YMMV!
Code: Select all
(function () {
var apikey = 'ENTER_API_KEY_HERE';
var sabnzbdserver = 'ENTER_SABNZBD_SERVER_ADDRESS_HERE(e.g.';
var useSSL = true;
var defaultCat = 'tv';
var checked_ids = new Array();
var nzbName = '';
var cat = prompt('Please enter the category for this nzb.', defaultCat);
var NZBcheckboxes = document.evaluate('//input[@type="checkbox"]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var j = 0; j < NZBcheckboxes.snapshotLength; j++) {
if (NZBcheckboxes.snapshotItem(j).checked == true) {
checked_ids.push(NZBcheckboxes.snapshotItem(j).name + '=1');
var\bq\= *([^\&]+)/);
nzbName = prompt('Please enter the name for this nzb.', nzbName);
if (cat != '') {cat = 'cat=' + cat + '&';}
var transport = 'http://';
if (useSSL) {transport = 'https://';}
if (nzbName != '') { + sabnzbdserver + '/sabnzbd/api?mode=addurl&apikey=' + apikey + '&nzbname= ' + escape(nzbName) + '&' + cat + 'name=' + escape('' + checked_ids.join('&')));
} else { + sabnzbdserver + '/sabnzbd/api?mode=addurl&apikey=' + apikey + '&' + cat + 'name=' + escape('' + checked_ids.join('&')));