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0.6.0b3 - Minor glitch with browsing history

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 7:57 am
by young-einstein
Hi all,

This is only a really minor glitch in the grand scheme of things, but I happened to notice it so I thought that I'd just point it out.

When you have enough entries in you history queue that it shrinks down the page numbers [IE 1 2 3 ... xxx], when you click on page 3 it doesn't create/show a link to the fourth page like it's supposed to, meaning that you can't navigate any further back in the queue.

If you just click the 'Next' link though, you can still get to page 4, and once you've done that the page numbers seem to go back to normal again.  IE - From page 4 you can click on the number for page 5, and so on.

FWIW I've checked this on two different machines [both running beta 3], using two different browsers on each of them [Firefox & Chrome] and in each instance I saw the same problem.  Both machines are running Ubuntu, one with 10.10 x86, and the other 11.04 x64.

Re: 0.6.0b3 - Minor glitch with browsing history

Posted: March 5th, 2011, 8:08 am
by shypike
I'll notify the skin designer.