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Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: July 31st, 2011, 2:14 am
by sabsheep
I thought I'd mention another Android client for SABnzbd. This one just has the basics: add/pause/delete/history. Not the most full featured SAB client out there but if you happen to be an NZB Matrix user it's definitely the best way to browse the site.

Sab Sheep v1.1.0 (Sept 03, 2011)
- Added internal video player
- Video seeking now possible on internal player

Sab Sheep v1.0.9 (Aug 16, 2011)
- Experimental Video Streaming (VLC)
You can now browse your video library and stream your videos directly to your device.
Warning: May not work on all devices. Please let me know if it doesn't work on yours.
Download the lite version below to try it out.

Sab Sheep v1.0.7
- SABnzbd client supports add/pause/delete/history/category/speed limit
- Browse NZB Matrix past the 50 feed limit
- IMDB cover art on search results
- Context aware search
- Customize category list
- Direct link to IMDB App by clicking on cover art (IMDB page if app is not installed)
- Integrated NZB Matrix comments viewer (must login first to NZB Matrix)
- NZB file handler (can handle local nzb files or nzb link from browser)

VLC Streaming Info:
Download vlc and enable the http interface
Add the vlc program to your firewall exception list
Forward the following tcp & udp port: 5554




Market Links:

Full version ... rch_result

Lite Version ... _developer

Re: Sab Sheep for Android

Posted: August 5th, 2011, 8:34 am
by jtplayte
I installed this app on my Asus TF, and it looks amazing. I can browse NZBMatrix etc. but can't connect to Sabnzbd on my PC !

Someone please help, I really want to control downloads from my couch with my tablet

Thanks In Advance,


Re: Sab Sheep for Android

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 12:23 pm
by killitall
Hey JT. I don't know where the dev is, but this may help:

To access locally open your server's ip address on your tablet's browser, usually something like http:\\ with the format http:\\IpAddress:Port. Open the config section of your sabnzbd still using your android tablet and copy the api key on the general tab. Open sab sheep, set the server url to the ip and port as you did in the browser and copy the api key into the api key section, BOOM! NZBMatrix on the couch with your tab.

If you want access from any wireless network or from a phone's 3g:
You should make sure you have port forwarding set up on your router. Sabnzbd uses 8080 for http and 9090 for https. Forward either or both of these ports to your computer running Sabnzbd in order to access it from the internet. After you have completed port forwarding you should take note of your IP Address. If you do not have a static IP, I suggest signing up at for a free subdomain that will be easy to remember. Now on you android device open the browser and type in the ip address or the domain name you created like this: http:\\IpOrDomain:Port the port is normally 8080. Open the config page and copy your api key. In Sab Sheep set your server url to the ip address or the domain you created at, with port 8080 if you have not changed any default settings. Copy the api key to the api key section and you will be able to add the downloads to your sabnzbd queue successfully. Not bad for a buck :)

Re: Sab Sheep for Android

Posted: August 10th, 2011, 4:27 pm
by onlyalex
This app looks very good. After 5min with it i purchased the full version :)

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 3:09 am
by sabsheep
thanks for the help killitall. I didn't think people here were interested on this since I didn't get a reply for a week.
onlyalex, thanks for buying the app. finally got some beer money :)

check out the new version. i added video streaming via vlc. i'd be interested to know if that thing works on a tablet. unfortunately i don't have access to one.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 7:08 am
by onlyalex
Anytime mate.

I don't own a android tablet so no go there for me. I do have an ipad2 so if there will be an ios release you have another costumer here :)
I would like to see the "download hits" on file listing. Mutch easyer to see what many ppl have downloaded when browsing ex movie list.

Thanks for great app :)

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 8:29 am
by sabsheep
i will keep that in mind for future versions. but as of now there's still not enough users of the app to have meaningful stats.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 17th, 2011, 8:34 am
by dazzawright75
Loving the app, it looks brilliant on the ASUS transformers big screen :)

On the downside, today I am having problems with it. No matter what category i t ry, it just comes back and says "Failed to load data" PLease try again"

Anyone else having this problem ?

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 17th, 2011, 11:31 am
by sabsheep
hey dazzawright75, are you still having the same issue? my hosting provider informed me they were down for a few hours this morning. it was already back up when i tried.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 17th, 2011, 10:37 pm
by killitall
No problem. Seriously a brilliant realization of a simple user experience. I bought a copy for my wife as well :) that should get you on your way to another beer. I think these things take time to catch on, however when I google sabsheep this is the first forum result so you are probably getting more hits here than you realize.

I know your website is not up, but do you have a particular corner of the internet where those who have purchased or are trying this awesome app can go for help and support? The VLC implementation is brilliant, but without documentation it's a lost feature (you do say it's experimental, so no big deal). I'm having issues setting up my vlc server on my computer at the moment, but once I get that set up I will try out your new feature and potentially provide some info for those who want to set it up :)

EDIT: Got the VLC interface up and running, but I cannot access the stream over 4g. I don't think it's your fault, looks like a port forwarding issue on my end since it worked over wifi. When I streamed over wifi the video was heavily distorted and the audio was sped up, any idea on how to improve performance? I'm running on an Intel i5 2300 with 4 gigs of ram, watching levels in the task manager and I do not see anything to say it's a computer performance issue. I left the bitrate at your default, since I assume that's what you tested with.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 5:28 am
by dazzawright75
sabsheep wrote:hey dazzawright75, are you still having the same issue? my hosting provider informed me they were down for a few hours this morning. it was already back up when i tried.
Hiya, thanks for looking into it. I can confirm it is all working perfectly again now :)

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 8:15 pm
by sabsheep
hey killitall, which android video player are you using? i've personally only been able to get it play properly on the native android video player as well as mVideoPlayer. moboplayer and vplayer did not work on my tests. i am probably going to end up writing my own internal video player for it. also, try installing the latest version of vlc. i have not tested it on any older version of vlc. as for connecting outside your lan, that will be tricky. rtsp video is streamed over a dynamic udp port. i haven't been able to figure out how to get vlc to stream over a known port or at least some sort of range. all the other vlc streamers in the market also have this problem.

i am planning on putting some sort of site or wiki for the app as soon as i get some time. i honestly didn't think i was going to get more than a dozen or so downloads but now i have almost 200 so i guess i gotta support it. hehe.

dawwaright, glad everything's ok on your end. ~cheers.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 3:04 pm
by agentgreen
sabsheep: Just bought the application for my Asus transformer, and I have to say it looks really good!

One feature request: multiple sabnzbd connections and the ability to switch between them. So when I leave my home wireless, I can switch to the external IP connection.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 20th, 2011, 12:10 pm
by killitall
I was trying with vplayer. I just tried with the built in player and mVideoPlayer it says it cannot play file, normal .avi. The stream just fine in VLC, so the phone is connected and can navigate the filesystem. Any ideas for trickery to get this working? If not I'll go away for a bit and see what I can find out.

I wasn't aware of the issue with rtsp streaming, that's too bad. I guess VPN is the next trick to try if I want to stream while out and about.

Good luck with getting time, I can't wait to see what else you've got coming. The VLC stream was a nice idea.

Re: Sab Sheep for Android (w/ built in VLC Video Streaming)

Posted: August 21st, 2011, 4:50 am
by Peter2
How do i go about setting up the VLC part of this, is there a guide anywhere that I can refer to ?