Search found 560 matches

by inpheaux
June 25th, 2017, 9:34 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The _Really_ All New SABnzbd Forums
Replies: 0
Views: 61440

The _Really_ All New SABnzbd Forums

After a few false-starts and a few weeks worth of work we've got a complete refresh of the SABnzbd Forums up and live. Specific things of note: The underlying forum software has been completely refreshed, and we skipped a major revision, so a ton of stuff has changed. You may experience some weirdne...
by inpheaux
January 29th, 2017, 7:51 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Posting a question without being an "Established User"
Replies: 4
Views: 6929

Re: Posting a question without being an "Established User"

"Link" literally means "Link". You cannot include a URL of any form in your post. If you feel a link is absolutely necessary for your post to make sense, don't include a leading "http://", just list the domain.
by inpheaux
July 13th, 2016, 10:47 pm
Forum: Templates
Topic: Glitter Request - iOS Homescreen Icon
Replies: 3
Views: 23975

Re: Glitter Request - iOS Homescreen Icon

Yep, it's right there: ... pl#L28-L31

What version of iOS are you testing on, DeM0B?
by inpheaux
April 4th, 2016, 3:23 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: Attn: Virgin Media Broadband Users - Use port 443 + SSL
Replies: 27
Views: 239220

Re: Attn: Virgin Media Broadband Users - Use port 443 + SSL

This thread is out of date. VM no longer allow SSL connections on any of the usual ports but 119 works well without SSL. VM no longer seem to cap either speed or data but they are progressively removing binary newsgroups from their service. At present, they are not providing sufficient coverage to ...
by inpheaux
March 20th, 2016, 4:03 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: Version 1 not as good at 0.7
Replies: 6
Views: 9547

Re: Version 1 not as good at 0.7

Do you have specifics as to why you feel Glitter is less intuitive than Plush? Some specific bit of functionality that you feel might be missing, or might be made more apparent? Plush was chock full of weird obscure functionality that didn't make sense at first glance. Like, everything about play/pa...
by inpheaux
March 1st, 2016, 12:57 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Version / Release date
Replies: 4
Views: 7783

Re: Version / Release date

This is likely a bug in Sourceforge's stellar download data api that is resulting in our release dates updating for all applications when we push out a beta. I'll switch it shortly to our new script based on releases being posted to Github. SABnzbd *is* being updated, and 1.0 is right around the cor...
by inpheaux
December 30th, 2015, 10:05 pm
Forum: Beta Releases
Topic: Cannot download 0.8.0 beta 4
Replies: 1
Views: 5102

Re: Cannot download 0.8.0 beta 4

SF is being unsurprisingly broken lately. Last night I couldn't get their API to work whatsoever. We're switching to Github for our official binary distribution, and you can get 0.8.0b4 here: ... 0.8.0Beta4
by inpheaux
July 26th, 2015, 8:01 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Requesting NZB's
Replies: 1
Views: 6033

Re: Requesting NZB's

by inpheaux
June 20th, 2015, 1:22 pm
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Stop refresh when tab not active
Replies: 14
Views: 20825

Re: Stop refresh when tab not active

This would be great for main page content, but what about the title bar? Plush updates the <title> text along with the body, so you can see progress in a tab's title. If we only refresh when the page is active, this functionality would be lost.
by inpheaux
May 25th, 2015, 11:03 pm
Forum: Templates
Topic: Glitter - A new modern template
Replies: 117
Views: 447002

Re: Glitter - A new modern template

I think one of the issues we never really addressed back the last time we had a great debate over the play/pause button, is that in SABnzbd it's really used for three states / actions: Actively Downloading, Will Be Downloaded, and Won't Be Downloaded. This may instead be split in the UI with a "...
by inpheaux
April 30th, 2015, 9:06 pm
Forum: Templates
Topic: Shiny - super simple template using bootstrap & knockout
Replies: 4
Views: 35147

Re: Shiny - super simple template using bootstrap & knockout

I'd be very interested in seeing your work posted safihre.
by inpheaux
August 21st, 2014, 7:46 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Poor Password Storage
Replies: 2
Views: 5809

Re: Poor Password Storage

Yep. Unfortunately there's not really anything we -- or any other pass-through client application -- can do about this problem that actually resolves it. The developers of Pidgin and libpurple have a pretty good writeup on the subject . Keyring support would be great, but wouldn't work for all the p...
by inpheaux
July 31st, 2014, 5:08 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: [OSX Yosemite] Issue with "Dark Mode" icon
Replies: 5
Views: 9670

Re: [OSX Yosemite] Issue with "Dark Mode" icon

This is a pretty common issue with Dark Mode in Yosemite, look at Dropbox, for instance. If you use the monochrome icon instead it's all black. This should be resolved before Yosemite ships in the fall.
by inpheaux
May 25th, 2014, 5:44 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: GIGANEWS account - what am I doing wrong - total NOOB
Replies: 1
Views: 5663

Re: GIGANEWS account - what am I doing wrong - total NOOB

MIMO's search functionality was pretty lacking last time I tried it. Try using SABnzbd + any of the free indexers from the wiki before giving up.
by inpheaux
February 23rd, 2014, 9:01 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: What does this error mean?
Replies: 1
Views: 4553

Re: What does this error mean?

It means the UNIX user SABnzbd runs as doesn't have rights to run nice. Either fix your application permissions on the NAS, or make sure you don't have any nice parameters set in SABnzbd under Config -> Switches -> Post Processing -> Nice Parameters / IONice Parameters.