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by sander
July 27th, 2024, 4:01 am
Forum: General Help
Topic: par2 and unrar binarys not found after update (Windows on ARM)
Replies: 15
Views: 1166

Re: par2 and unrar binarys not found after update (Windows on ARM)

Wrong thread.. this thread is about Windows on ... ARM

Your Xeon is not ARM
by sander
July 26th, 2024, 2:10 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out
Replies: 9
Views: 418

Re: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out

I would do this: Stop SABnzbd uninstall SABnzbd find and delete %userprofile%\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.ini and the whole directory %userprofile%\AppData\Local\sabnzbd Then: install SABnzbd, click allow if Windows asks for it, and run it ... do you get the wizard? If not: you did not delete the ...
by sander
July 25th, 2024, 11:58 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: SABNZB stopped working after update: "Fatal error in Downloader".
Replies: 6
Views: 346

Re: SABNZB stopped working after update: "Fatal error in Downloader".

I don't know if Safihre has worked on it, but I'm curious, so maybe you can post the 40 lines before and 40 lines after, including the traceback itself, to And then post the URL here, with dots replaced with space, so like pastebin . com / uaodsfu0a8d9f
by sander
July 25th, 2024, 11:27 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out
Replies: 9
Views: 418

Re: Unhandled Exception In Script

I've never seen this. The SAB specific thing is dirscanner. But then a time-out in socket (which is network, not disk). Weird. It's on Windows, so first guess is firewall/viruscanner blocking access, and thus causing a time-out. What firewall and virusscanner are you using? And: did you fill out any...
by sander
July 25th, 2024, 11:23 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out
Replies: 9
Views: 418

Re: Unhandled Exception In Script

So: (Sorry: I should have said "Post the URL with dots replaced with spaces. Anyway, it worked) ChatGPT converted it to text Unhandled exception in script Failed to execute script 'SABnzbd' due to unhandled exception: timed out Traceback (most recent call last): File...
by sander
July 23rd, 2024, 1:52 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out
Replies: 9
Views: 418

Re: Unhandled Exception In Script

Post the URL with dots in it
by sander
July 23rd, 2024, 9:59 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Unhandled Exception In Script ... TimeoutError: timed out
Replies: 9
Views: 418

Re: Unhandled Exception In Script

No image visible
by sander
July 21st, 2024, 5:13 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: Sabz on Synology Connection issues: Server name does not resolve
Replies: 6
Views: 335

Re: Sabnzbd on Synology Connection issues: Server name does not resolve 266 lines .... but no "server name does not resolve". Pity $ cat Sabz\ Log.txt | grep -i -e newshosting -e happyeyeballs 2024-07-20 21:49:04,466::DEBUG::[downloader:214] Retrieving server address information for 2024-07-20 21:49:24,495:...
by sander
July 21st, 2024, 10:24 am
Forum: General Help
Topic: Sabz on Synology Connection issues: Server name does not resolve
Replies: 6
Views: 335

Re: Sabz on Synology Connection issues

What are the 20 lines before that?

You can also post on, and post the URL here with spaces in it
by sander
July 20th, 2024, 3:12 pm
Forum: Post-Processing Scripts
Topic: [Synology NAS] Post Script to Sort Movies alphabetically
Replies: 1
Views: 313

Re: [Synology NAS] Post Script to Sort Movies alphabetically

Yes, the script will work.

Or, more formal: I see no reason why it shouldn't, as long as the script inside docker has access to those directories.

by sander
July 20th, 2024, 7:34 am
Forum: Debian/Ubuntu Package
Topic: Ubuntu 18.04 added repository ppa:jcfp/nobetas but no updates after version 3.7.2 [fab36ec]
Replies: 6
Views: 417

Re: Ubuntu 18.04 added repository ppa:jcfp/nobetas but no updates after version 3.7.2 [fab36ec]

Ubuntu 18.04 has python 3.6 SABnzbd now requires python 3.8 or higher, because of python features that are used, like the python walrus operator See source code of SABnzbd: "Sorry, requires Python 3.8 or above" So ... install python3.8 or higher on your Ubuntu 18.04 (google "deadsnake...
by sander
July 17th, 2024, 3:02 pm
Forum: General Help
Topic: Cant Update api key in SABnzb or Dognzb
Replies: 2
Views: 205

Re: Cant Update api key in SABnzb or Dognzb

dognzb is a NZB site, right? If so, no API key is needed. Just put your personal Cart RSS feed from Dognzb (which contains a key) into your SABnzbd RSS settings. It will probably something like So: login o...
by sander
July 15th, 2024, 8:51 am
Forum: Nederlands
Topic: Fout tijdens het starten van SABnzbd. Bekijk de logfile *** please help ***
Replies: 10
Views: 583

Re: Fout tijdens het starten van SABnzbd. Bekijk de logfile *** please help ***

pastebin . com / kajsdflkjlkjasdf

... so: URL with spaces