Search found 5 matches

by Ravefiend
July 31st, 2024, 11:22 pm
Forum: freeBSD Package
Topic: Sabnzbd 4.2.2 pkg mismatch with SABCtools [TrueNAS]
Replies: 8
Views: 56677

Re: Sabnzbd 4.2.2 pkg mismatch with SABCtools [TrueNAS]

Yes, I opened a bug with the package maintainer and they are aware and working the problem. I posted here in hopes there was a temporary workaround. I'll post back again when the maintainer releases the fix. I believe the plan is to push out the 4.3.2 version which will then sync up with the sabcto...
by Ravefiend
September 20th, 2016, 5:06 am
Forum: freeBSD Package
Topic: Sabnzbd service not starting after pkg upgrade [FreeNAS]
Replies: 5
Views: 28292

Re: Sabnzbd service not starting after pkg upgrade [FreeNAS]

I think this is because you're using a version of freebsd that is 9.3 or lower. this freebsd post sheds some light on how openssl version numbers get set. Thanks a lot for the tip! I had been putting of upgrading my FreeNAS machine so guess now is the right...
by Ravefiend
September 6th, 2016, 5:20 am
Forum: freeBSD Package
Topic: Sabnzbd service not starting after pkg upgrade [FreeNAS]
Replies: 5
Views: 28292

Re: Sabnzbd service not starting after pkg upgrade

alright. thank you for the quick reply, I will look into that. :) Normally I'd say that happens via pkg , but there are no pending updates or anything so this will be fun to troubleshoot.. I'm running into the same issue on my FreeNAS machine so I was wondering if you had managed to sort out this i...
by Ravefiend
July 27th, 2015, 3:30 am
Forum: General Help
Topic: [SOLVED] No response from indexer (Python 2.7.9 and FreeBSD)
Replies: 40
Views: 40402

Re: [SOLVED] No response from indexer (Python 2.7.9 and Free

Fixed this as well today on my installation on FreeBSD. Just update the ca_root_nss port/package to 3.19.1_1 or higher to fix this on SABnzbd 0.7.20 :
by Ravefiend
January 4th, 2011, 6:01 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Verify after unrar erroneously reports "[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file"
Replies: 1
Views: 2550

Verify after unrar erroneously reports "[newsunpack:557] Missing expected file"

Version: 0.5.6 OS: Windows 7 x64 Install-type:  Windows Installer Skin (if applicable): smpl Version: 1.3 Firewall Software: [none] Are you using IPV6? no Is the issue reproducible? yes SABnzbd encountered the following failure today: 2011-01-04 10:37:15,282::WARNING::[newsunpack:557] Missing expect...