SABnzbd version: 1.1.0RC2 and Windows 10 ad Shares

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SABnzbd version: 1.1.0RC2 and Windows 10 ad Shares

Post by ximian »

Good day, I can confirm that there is an issue with SABnzbd version: 1.1.0RC2 running on Windows 10 Pro and accessing SMB shares for Completed Download Folder and Watched Folder.

Been working for days regarding this issue. I wiped the machine and installed Windows 8 instead, had the same issue with the following warning: Cannot create complete_dir folder

Found some items after googling the error and corrected my directory rights. I was able to access and add the shares in sabnzbd under Windows 8. Convinced that this was the issue I reinstalled Windows 10. Alas I have the same issue. Yet I can access the share with file explorer using \\IP.IP.IP.IP\Nameshare. I can also see the server and the share through network explorer in Windows 10.

I cannot browse the Share in sabnzbd.. it does not see the existance of such a Share.

Therefore I conclude that the issue is with Sabnzbd.

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Re: SABnzbd version: 1.1.0RC2 and Windows 10 ad Shares

Post by shypike »

First of all, we recommend strongly against using SMB shares for "incomplete".
You waste quite a bit of network bandwidth doing that, especially during unpacking.
Did you mount the shares on a drive letter?
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