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API Changing

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 5:54 am
by julianh
A bit of a Weird one.

My Sab clients are regularly reporting that they cannot access Sabnzbd. On Sab it says " API key incorrect, Use the API key from Config->General in your 3rd party program:>Radarr/ (ubuntu 18.04)"

However when I look at the API key in Sabnzbd it has indeed changed, so I change the key in the client, a few days later I get the same error and the key has changed again in Sabnzbd. What's strange is it seems to be switching between the same 2 keys.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Here are some details;

Version: 3.1.1 [99b5a00]
Uptime: 2d
Config File: /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
Parameters: "/usr/bin/sabnzbdplus" "-s" "" "--browser" "0"
Python Version: 3.6.9 (default, Oct 8 2020, 12:12:24) [GCC 8.4.0] [UTF-8]
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018
Multicore Par2 (ticked)

From the log file

2020-11-10 06:55:26,136::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1142] --------------------------------
2020-11-10 06:55:26,234::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1143] sabnzbdplus-3.1.0 (rev=23f86e95f1f980963c4e4017276b3a3e2adfc6e2)
2020-11-10 06:55:26,346::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1144] Full executable path = /usr/bin/sabnzbdplus
2020-11-10 06:55:26,347::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1154] Platform = posix
2020-11-10 06:55:26,347::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1155] Python-version = 3.6.9 (default, Oct 8 2020, 12:12:24)
[GCC 8.4.0]
2020-11-10 06:55:26,347::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1156] Arguments = "/usr/bin/sabnzbdplus" "-s" "" "--browser" "0"
2020-11-10 06:55:26,352::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1160] Not inside a docker container
2020-11-10 06:55:26,352::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1163] Preferred encoding = UTF-8
2020-11-10 06:55:26,352::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1179] SSL version = OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018
2020-11-10 06:55:26,524::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1188] Certifi version: 2018.01.18
2020-11-10 06:55:26,524::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1189] Loaded additional certificates from: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
2020-11-10 06:55:26,524::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1234] Using INI file /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
2020-11-10 06:55:26,952::INFO::[postproc:140] Loading postproc queue
2020-11-10 06:55:26,954::INFO::[__init__:951] [N/A] /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/admin/Rating.sab missing
2020-11-10 06:55:26,954::INFO::[scheduler:205] Setting schedule for midnight BPS reset
2020-11-10 06:55:26,957::INFO::[config:857] Writing settings to INI file /home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
2020-11-10 06:55:26,976::INFO::[__init__:349] All processes started
2020-11-10 06:55:27,230::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:297] Template location for Glitter is /usr/share/sabnzbdplus/interfaces/Glitter
2020-11-10 06:55:27,260::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:297] Template location for Config is /usr/share/sabnzbdplus/interfaces/Config
2020-11-10 06:55:27,262::INFO::[misc:988] [N/A] Running external command: ['/usr/bin/unrar']
2020-11-10 06:55:27,452::INFO::[misc:988] [N/A] Running external command: ['/usr/bin/par2', '-h']
2020-11-10 06:55:27,896::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:398] SABYenc module (v4.0.1)... found!
2020-11-10 06:55:27,900::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:417] Cryptography module (v2.1.4)... found!
2020-11-10 06:55:27,900::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:422] par2 binary... found (/usr/bin/par2)
2020-11-10 06:55:27,900::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:429] UNRAR binary... found (/usr/bin/unrar)
2020-11-10 06:55:27,900::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:439] UNRAR binary version 5.50
2020-11-10 06:55:27,901::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:447] 7za binary... found (/usr/bin/7za)
2020-11-10 06:55:27,901::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:458] nice binary... found (/usr/bin/nice)
2020-11-10 06:55:27,901::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:462] ionice binary... found (/usr/bin/ionice)
2020-11-10 06:55:27,904::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1421] Starting web-interface on
2020-11-10 06:55:27,904::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [10/Nov/2020:06:55:27] ENGINE Bus STARTING
2020-11-10 06:55:27,975::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [10/Nov/2020:06:55:27] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
2020-11-10 06:55:28,378::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [10/Nov/2020:06:55:28] ENGINE Serving on
2020-11-10 06:55:28,379::INFO::[_cplogging:219] [10/Nov/2020:06:55:28] ENGINE Bus STARTED
2020-11-10 06:55:28,380::INFO::[sabnzbdplus:1458] Starting sabnzbdplus-3.1.0
2020-11-10 06:55:28,385::INFO::[dirscanner:117] Dirscanner starting up
2020-11-10 06:55:28,385::INFO::[urlgrabber:96] URLGrabber starting up
2020-11-10 06:55:28,385::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: SABnzbd - SABnzbd 3.1.0 started (type=startup, job_cat=None)
2020-11-10 06:55:28,519::INFO::[postproc:232] Completed Download Folder /home/sabnzbd/Downloads/complete is not on FAT
2020-11-10 06:55:29,445::WARNING::[interface:341] API key incorrect, Use the API key from Config->General in your 3rd party program:>Radarr/ (ubuntu 18.04)

Re: API Changing

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 6:12 am
by sander
Aren't mixing up the API and the NZB key?

If not: are you using a different sabnzbd.ini, for example via different startup methods?

Re: API Changing

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 1:28 pm
by julianh
Thanks for getting back to me, the key is the API key not the NZB key. it's valid to start off then isn't. The startup method is the same as it changes on reboots
Still stuck. any suggestions

Re: API Changing

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 3:12 pm
by safihre
Are you sure you aren't running 2 different instances of Sabnzbd? Since it's switching between the 2 api keys.
Could it be that it maybe also installed the Snap version of Sabnzbd?

Re: API Changing

Posted: November 23rd, 2020, 3:19 pm
by julianh
I'm open to suggestions on how to check, but when I reboot the VM, the API key changes, but not always. This is why I'm scratching my head. How do I ensure it's not me seeing the wrong information. What can I post?


Re: API Changing

Posted: November 24th, 2020, 4:02 am
by jcfp
You'd want to check if the same config file is used (your topic start post mentions '/home/sabnzbd/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.ini' so you know where to look).

As safihre mentioned, you're most likely running two different instances, for example because you setup two different autostart mechanisms and/or combined two different install methods on a single system.

Re: API Changing

Posted: December 3rd, 2020, 9:14 am
by julianh
HI all, I know it's been awhile, but I've been testing. You're right I suspect there are two instances of Sabnzbd being run, as the history is different today, after the API changed.

So how can force it to run one instance. I can only see one . The /etc/init.d/sabnzbdplus is below

Any further suggestions?

---sabnzbdplus file ---
# Copyright (C) 2008-2017 by JCF Ploemen <[email protected]>
# released under GPL, version 2 or later

# #
# TO CONFIGURE EDIT /etc/default/sabnzbdplus #
# #

# Provides: sabnzbdplus
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs
# Should-Start: $named dbus avahi network-manager wicd
# Should-Stop: $named dbus avahi network-manager wicd
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber
# Description: SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb
# support, designed to download files from Usenet.
# This script provides that functionality as a system
# service, starting the program on boot.


([ -x "$DAEMON" ] && [ -r "$SETTINGS" ]) || exit 0

DESC="SABnzbd+ binary newsgrabber"
DEFOPTS="--daemon --pidfile \"$PIDFILE\""

# these are only accepted from the settings file

[ -r /etc/default/locale ] && {
. /etc/default/locale;
[ -n "$LANG" ] && export LANG;

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

is_running() {
# don't try to match --name: it changes after restarting via the web interface
start-stop-daemon --status --quiet --user "${USER%:*}" --pidfile "$PIDFILE"
[ $RET -gt 3 ] && exit 1 || return $RET

load_settings() {
if [ -z "$USER" ]; then

[ -z "${USER%:*}" ] && {
log_action_msg "$DESC: service not enabled, edit $SETTINGS";
return 1;

[ -n "$CONFIG" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --config-file \"$CONFIG\""
[ -n "$HOST" ] && SERVER="$HOST" || SERVER=
[ -n "$PORT" ] && SERVER="$SERVER:$PORT"
[ -n "$SERVER" ] && OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --server \"$SERVER\""
return 0

start_sab() {
load_settings || exit 0
if ! is_running; then
install --directory --owner="${USER%:*}" --group=root --mode=0700 "$(dirname "$PIDFILE")" || exit 1
log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC"
eval start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid "$USER" --exec "$DAEMON" -- $OPTIONS
log_end_msg $? || exit $?
log_action_msg "$DESC: already running (pid $(cat "$PIDFILE"))"

stop_sab() {
load_settings || exit 0
if is_running; then
log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC"
start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --user "${USER%:*}" --pidfile "$PIDFILE" --retry 30
log_end_msg $? || exit $?
log_action_msg "$DESC: not running"

case "$1" in
[ "$1" = 'try-restart' ] && {
(load_settings && is_running) || exit 0
load_settings || exit 4
if is_running; then
log_action_msg "$DESC: running (pid $(cat "$PIDFILE"))"
log_action_msg "$DESC: not running"
[ -f "$PIDFILE" ] && exit 1 || exit 3
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
exit 3

exit 0

Re: API Changing

Posted: December 5th, 2020, 3:49 am
by jcfp
The init script isn't the problem, it's strict enough not to randomly select different configs. There's a second mechanism starting sab with a different config but at the same port, most likely a redundant systemd service you added (in /etc/systemd/ or /lib/systemd/) under a different name than sabnzbdplus, but it could also be a desktop autostart or session restore function, even rc.local...

Re: API Changing

Posted: December 6th, 2020, 3:39 am
by safihre
Maybe you have also the Snap verison of SABnzbd installed?

Re: API Changing

Posted: December 25th, 2020, 4:14 am
by jasonnm
Hey guys,
I'm also getting the same problem, but on Windows - there is only once instance running, but everytime I reboot my PC the key changes (and it's different each time, it would seem).

Anything I can check? I generally keep up to date - I think my last upgrade of SABNZBD was a couple of weeks ago. Everything was fine up to that point.
Is it best just to uninstall and reinstall?

Re: API Changing

Posted: December 26th, 2020, 6:06 am
by safihre
Are your other settings preserved normally? Like server settings etc?