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Allow more passwords in the list

Posted: November 20th, 2020, 12:41 am
by ErikBrown
The number of passwords in the passwords list is limited to 30. I have collected over time more than that. This results in the warning message:

"Your password file contains more than 30 passwords, testing all these passwords takes a lot of time. Try to only list useful passwords."

Is this really a technical limit? If not, then would it not be possible to leave it up to the user to accept the long time it takes to try these passwords? I really enjoy the automation level of SABnzbd. But keeping this limit reduces this level.

Re: Allow more passwords in the list

Posted: November 20th, 2020, 3:10 am
by sander
Is this really a technical limit?
In the past, users put 1000 words into that list, let SAB run, and then complained in the forum "why does it take so long". So a CPU problem leading to user complaints. So therefor there is a warning.
If not, then would it not be possible to leave it up to the user to accept the long time it takes to try these passwords? I really enjoy the automation level of SABnzbd. But keeping this limit reduces this level.
I don't understand: it's just a warning, so SAB proceeds and does check all the passwords, doesn't it?

Re: Allow more passwords in the list

Posted: November 20th, 2020, 3:58 am
by ErikBrown
"and does check all the passwords, doesn't it?"

I am not sure about that. But if it does and the message can be ignored, then I can live with that.
Thanks for your reply..

Re: Allow more passwords in the list

Posted: November 22nd, 2020, 6:54 am
by safihre
You can disable these messages by disabling the helpfull_warnings switch in Config > Special.

But indeed, if the job is encrypted it will try all the listed passwords. Each try can take up to 5 seconds on my Core i7 system (depends on encryption and compression used of the job) so if you have for example 100 passwords it will only give up in the worst case after 500 seconds = 8 minutes.