Looking for a sorting script

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Joined: May 5th, 2009, 2:21 pm

Looking for a sorting script

Post by fingret »

Hi there.

Sorry if this question has been asked before, I've been browsing the forum for quite some time but I really don't know which script/method I should use.

It should be easy for you guys to tell me what I need. Basically, I am looking for a script/method that can sort movies and tv episodes based on the format.

For example: I want xvid movies sorted into Z:\movies\xvid\ , x264 movies into Z:\movies\x264\ etc. The same goes for tv i.e.: Z:\tv\\name\season\

I guess you got it...
I am a member of newzbin if that can help me achieve this any easier.




Well, I didn't realise that this problem was easier than expected to solve. Didn't know that if I create subfolders under the Watched Folder, i.e  watchedfolder\x264 and then create a category named x264, and entered folder/path movies\x264, this can be achieved without using scripts.

Sorry for this post, but at least I edited so other users might get help if they encounter this noob problem too :)
Last edited by fingret on May 5th, 2009, 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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