Incorrect free space

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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

Here are the disk usage results:

Before Download

Code: Select all

posix.statvfs_result(f_bsize=1048576, f_frsize=1024, f_blocks=2332848292, f_bfree=228927912, f_bavail=228927912, f_files=2332848290, f_ffree=228927912, f_favail=228927912, f_flag=2, f_namemax=255)
free: 223562.414062
After Download

Code: Select all

posix.statvfs_result(f_bsize=1048576, f_frsize=1024, f_blocks=2332848292, f_bfree=227568040, f_bavail=227568040, f_files=2332848290, f_ffree=227568040, f_favail=227568040, f_flag=2, f_namemax=255)
free: 222234.414062
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

Diff-ing those number gives:

Code: Select all

free:	223562	
free:	222234	-1328
f_ffree	228927912	
f_ffree	227568040	-1359872
f_favail	228927912	
f_favail	227568040	-1359872
f_bfree	228927912	
f_bfree	227568040	-1359872
f_bavail	228927912	
f_bavail	227568040	-1359872
So all numbers go down in the same way. So there is no special factor involved. It seems like a rollover.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

.maxx wrote: June 30th, 2017, 2:34 am Here the LARGEFILE64 results


Code: Select all

$ /statvfs_with_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE_for_MacOS64bit /Users/
Available [MB]: 434190

Code: Select all

$/statvfs_with_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE_for_MacOS64bit /Volumes/Medien
Available [MB]: 223562
So no change? :-(
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

yes, no change :(
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

What is the output of

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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

Code: Select all

ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.12.5
BuildVersion:	16F73
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

Hi Maxx,

Another Mac user is complaining about too low free space reported. The "nice" thing about this case: not too big disk (250GB), internal in his system. So that rules out 1) very large size (like your 22TB disk with 4+ TB free space) and 2) NAS dependencies.

So I wonder: if you set both your SABnzbd's Temp and Compelete to your local disk, are free disk space correct? Can you check?

Could you also also download & run the Python script I link to in ... ad#p112488 (warning: in Dutch).


So that Python script is here: ...
Instruction: Right click on the link, Sava As, then run the script with

Code: Select all

python /
and post the output here. Thank you.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

Hi sander,

yes, if I set the Temp & Complete folder to local, the shown free space is correct.

Side Info:
I replaced one of my NAS 3TB drives with a 6TB. MacOS and my NAS now shows me a correct free space of 6,6xTB.
SAB instead shows me only 2,6TB free space -> 4TB missing.

Local -> Correct

Code: Select all

Mediencenter:~ Mediencenter$ python / /Users/
python version: 2.7.10 (default, Feb  7 2017, 00:08:15) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34)]
Directory /Users/
statvfs posix.statvfs_result(f_bsize=1048576, f_frsize=4096, f_blocks=121853976, f_bfree=111101708, f_bavail=111037708, f_files=4294967279, f_ffree=4293630797, f_favail=4293630797, f_flag=0, f_namemax=255)
disk_size [GB] 464.836029053
available [GB] 423.575241089
The df took [ms]: 7
/dev/disk0s2    475992 42001    433741     9% 1336482 4293630797    0%   /
Available [MB]: 433741
NAS -> wrong

Code: Select all

Mediencenter:~ Mediencenter$ python / /Volumes/Medien
python version: 2.7.10 (default, Feb  7 2017, 00:08:15) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34)]
Directory /Volumes/Medien
statvfs posix.statvfs_result(f_bsize=1048576, f_frsize=1024, f_blocks=850916804, f_bfree=2801489844, f_bavail=2801489844, f_files=850916802, f_ffree=2801489844, f_favail=2801489844, f_flag=2, f_namemax=255)
disk_size [GB] 811.497501373
available [GB] 2671.7089119
The df took [ms]: 6
NAS df -h -> Correct

Code: Select all

Mediencenter:~ Mediencenter$ df -h /Volumes/Medien/
Filesystem                              Size   Used  Avail Capacity     iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
//admin@SERVER._smb._tcp.local/Medien   29Ti   22Ti  6.6Ti    78% 23819230734 7096457140   77%   /Volumes/Medien
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

yes, if I set the Temp & Complete folder to local, the shown free space is correct.
Good for you, but pity for this case;

Side Info:
I replaced one of my NAS 3TB drives with a 6TB. MacOS and my NAS now shows me a correct 6,6xTB.
SAB instead shows me only 2,6TB -> 4TB missing.
Yes, we already knew. But that is really a too long shot & too hard to anayze: NAS, very big drive. ... too many factors involved.

Let's focus on the MacBook user reporting problem with his moderate sized internal hard disk.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

guys I've made some more tests and I've found something out.

I was alway connected to the NAS via SMB.
Now I tried AFP and SAB shows me the correct 6,6TB.

Then I switched again to SMB and get the wrong 2,6TB.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

.maxx wrote: July 3rd, 2017, 8:58 am guys I've made some more tests and I've found something out.

I was alway connected to the NAS via SMB.
Now I tried AFP and SAB shows me the correct 6,6TB.

Then I switched again to SMB and get the wrong 2,6TB.
Good catch!

... and now: should and/or can we do anything about this? Report it anywhere?

Or just remember it as a known problem ...?
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by .maxx »

AFP is deprecated and SMB is the standard since macOS Sierra even for the Time Machine.
NZBget also shows it wrong.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by sander »

Hi Maxx,

NZBget also shows it wrong.
The nzbget code is pure C, see these few lines: ... #L675-L679 so that proves the root cause is at the MacOS-system-level. Not in python, not in SABnzbd.

Furthermore, it seems something specific to you: I've let a Mac friend test it (SMB mounted NAS, 6TB) and there is no problem there:

Code: Select all

thelema:Desktop frank$ python /Volumes/Data/
python version: 2.7.10 (default, Feb  7 2017, 00:08:15) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34)]
Directory /Volumes/Data/
statvfs posix.statvfs_result(f_bsize=1048576, f_frsize=8192, f_blocks=732482664, f_bfree=620759038, f_bavail=620759038, f_files=732482662, f_ffree=620759038, f_favail=620759038, f_flag=2, f_namemax=255)
disk_size [GB] 5588.39923096
available [GB] 4736.01560974
The df took [ms]: 6
//   5722520 872840   4849679    16% 111723624 620759038   15%   /Volumes/Data
Available [MB]: 4849679
Correct sizes reported. Which means we can't reproduce it.

The other Mac user with SABnzbd did not have a problem after all. A false alarm.

So ... IMHO there is not something we should & could in SABnzbd.
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by safihre »

Agreed. We will keep it in mind in case more reports come in!
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Re: Incorrect free space

Post by prizrak »

Same issue here, also Mac user, in my case using an NFS mount.
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