Not releasing memory when job is finished

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Not releasing memory when job is finished

Post by crackpot370 »

I recently upgraded my desktop from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. It uses an MSI 970 Gaming motherboard and an AMD FX 8-Core CPU. Memory is a bit limited at 4 GB until the 16 GB kit arrives from Amazon ;D

After the upgrade I started noticing "out of memory" problems.
When I started monitoring memory usage via the Task Manager, I noticed that after SABnzbd finishes a download and unpacking, it does not release the increased memory it had grabbed during the download.

I've sat there and watched the graph on the performance tab of the Task Manager as a download starts. It would grab more memory, as expected with the increased workload, then when the download and unpacking finished you would expect the memory usage to drop back to the original level before the download started. It does not drop back down to the original level, but holds on to the memory it grabbed.

Most of the time the download completes fine. A few times, since the upgrade, a download has halted due to being out of memory. If I reboot to clear anything that is hogging memory and tell it to continue, it always finishes. I'm thinking that if it released the memory between jobs it wouldn't run out of memory.

Since it does not release the memory it grabbed, I can't run the video conversion/editing program I've always used due to lack of memory unless I reboot. Once I reboot to clear the memory, the conversion/editing program works just fine.

I am currently using version 2.3.4 [2a113f7].

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Not releasing memory when job is finished

Post by sander »

Memory is even not released when you stop/restart sabnzbd?
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Re: Not releasing memory when job is finished

Post by safihre »

What did you set for Article cache? People run Sab with 256mb of memory, so 4GB should be plenty. You shouldn't be getting memory errors at all.
Try 700M.

And the memory graph is deceptive, Python will release the memory as soon as the OS asks for it. Now it just keeps some prefetched stuff in there that is easily released. Maybe windows even shows you, in the Performance tab it will differentiate Real and Reserved memory.
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