"SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

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"SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

Post by sunnyd24 »

I have found a bug after sabnzbd 3.2.1 [0542c25] has been running for 8 days, showing the "SQL Command Failed, see log".

Upon looking at the queue, this error pops up several times per minute and seems to have stopped reporting downloads/history the last 5 days.


It seems that it is not responding to nzb360 via android app, but via web interface it seems to work but stuck with old/outdated status.

The log shows nothing relating to this SQL error, just the "last" item downloaded and it's status from 5 days ago (see below):

Code: Select all

2021-04-23 22:31:11,415::INFO::[database:293] Added job *********************************** to history
2021-04-23 22:31:11,416::INFO::[postproc:134] Saving postproc queue
2021-04-23 22:31:11,417::INFO::[downloader:326] Post-processing finished, resuming download
2021-04-23 22:31:15,418::INFO::[nzbqueue:233] Saving queue
2021-04-23 22:31:15,422::INFO::[postproc:134] Saving postproc queue
2021-04-23 22:31:15,423::INFO::[notifier:122] Sending notification: SABnzbd - Queue finished (type=queue_done, job_cat=None)
It seems the log stopped saving any downloaded items after this date..........

After restart of the sabnzbd service it all seems to be functioning as normal, for the moment (see below):


Anyone else seeing this error and it disappearing after restarting sabnzbd? ???

Is there a way to restart sabnzbd regularly natively within sabnzbd settings (apart from creating a service/scheduled task to do so) to stop this from getting "stuck"?
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Re: "SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

Post by sander »

SABnzbd says this when the SQL command did not execute correctly, with an undefined problem. See https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/blob ... se.py#L153

Possible causes: the sql file is not writable, due to disk full or virus scanner or other disk access problem.

Disk access problems would also explain why the log is not written.
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Re: "SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

Post by sunnyd24 »

sander wrote: April 28th, 2021, 4:32 am SABnzbd says this when the SQL command did not execute correctly, with an undefined problem. See https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/blob ... se.py#L153

Possible causes: the sql file is not writable, due to disk full or virus scanner or other disk access problem.

Disk access problems would also explain why the log is not written.
Thanks Sander, Why would this be a continued error every minute and why doesn't it log these errors in the log or elsewhere?

It is very unlikely that the disk is full, as it has 1.9TB free, and I have excluded these folders from AV (could be another disk access problem but seems unlikely as this drive is uniquely for downloads).

SABnzbd was still downloading in the background and logging history after restart, just doesn't seem it could display this in the Web interface or via api until the restart.

Anyway to natively restart at a interval, say every 5 days?
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Re: "SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

Post by sander »

Anyway to natively restart at a interval, say every 5 days?
You can schedule restart: via Scheduling ... select schedule, and then Action -> Restart
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Re: "SQL Command Failed, see log" - nothing in log

Post by gaudfather »

I know this post is pretty old by now, but I am experiencing the same problems. There is nothing in the log, and my hard drive is nowhere near full. I have several free terabytes and have disabled my antivirus and firewall. Is there anything else I could try?
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