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hypersucker wrote: ↑May 31st, 2021, 9:47 am
something completely different: whenever I start sabnzbd, my internet connection dies. I dont mean slows down. it dies. my 10Gbit fiber goes nukey nuke. I am pretty sure it is not my very expensive router, all other services including torrent clients with thousands of open connections work just fine. it must be something specific sabnzb does to the media converter (the device converting the fiber to lan copper) since every time I start sabnzb, the router sees nothing behind the converter and only once I power cycle the converter, the router connects to the net again and gets IP and all.
I'll replace the converter and the spf module but still, kinda strange aint it?
10Gbps? Nice!
SAB affecting the mediaconverter ... Seems nearly impossible to me. And if so, it's a bug in the mediaconverter. That would be interesting.
Anyway: does it happen if SABnzbd only has one server with one connection ... ?
I know what you mean. especially since it used to work just fine in the exact same constellation for months/years. It just stated to happen the last 2 weeks. and it's most likely one of those correlation and causality thing but still, mighty strange it is. as soon as I unpause sabnzb my converter releases all connections and needs a power-cycle.
hypersucker wrote: ↑June 1st, 2021, 2:15 pm
it works fine now since I threw the media converter at the wall. I'll test it if it ever starts happening again :-)
Sounds great ... but how is your connection working without a media converter? Or did you get another one ... ?