FYI: Flatpak SABnzbd on immutable Linux

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FYI: Flatpak SABnzbd on immutable Linux

Post by sander »

Some notes:

I installed Opensuse MicroOS Aeon (an immutable linux with a desktop) on my laptop. Because Immutable Linux is a hot thing right now. :)

Via "Software", I installed SABnzbd, which is the flatpak SABnzbd, from flathub.

... and it just worked.


So thanks to flatpak, no library dependencies. Which the immutable linux would probably not allow to be installed anyway.

To see running ftatpak:

Code: Select all

flatpak ps

To start sabnzbd automatically on boot (or login?):

Code: Select all

sander@localhost:~> cat ~/.config/autostart/sabnzbd.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=flatpak run org.sabnzbd.sabnzbd
Comment=Load SABnzbd in the background
Normally the Exec line would end with "--background", but SABnzbd is junk and refusing that.

Note: to install the nano editor:

Code: Select all

sudo transactional-update pkg install nano
after which a reboot is needed. So installing stuff into /usr/bin is possible on this immutable Linux, but probably only if allowed by OS provider, and active after a reboot. Random stuff is not allowed:

Code: Select all

sander@localhost:~> sudo touch /usr/bin/aadsafdsadffsadsadf
touch: cannot touch '/usr/bin/aadsafdsadffsadsadf': Read-only file system
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