For running dockers and plex transcode etc, I don't think I'll see a noticeable speed difference in any of my tasks. Even sabnzbd doesn't use much of the cores for an unrar.
Hello, forgive me if my help request is slightly unclear, I'm new to newsgroups as a file service.
I'm running sabnzbd in a container within unraid. It seems like almost all downloads fail with a "Corrupt Rar" error.
To double check I run 7zip from windows and check the downloaded file in the incomplete folder on the unraid NAS and get a "failed crc check" error.
The test download function seems fine within sabnzbd, it's just the unrar portion I think. I'm getting the files from the Eweka newsgroup server and nzbplanet for the nzb files. Is it possible the nzb files i download are bad ?
I have waited a couple weeks and then grabbed a different version of the nzb and had it come through successfully just last night.
I have settings all as default at the moment other than the usenet server settings.
I've located what I suspect is the error messages within the debug logs.
Code: Select all
A4C6daqa6h934aTBSzfObdWANGpYzx.mkv : packed data checksum error in volume /mnt/incomplete/****************************/uNPfrcw7Ym77BJaTAeqEt2jtArPSQZcnTc3Uh.part030.rar
2023-09-11 20:30:50,567::INFO::[newsunpack:297] Unrar finished on /mnt/incomplete/*******************************
2023-09-11 20:30:50,567::INFO::[postproc:437] Unpacked files []
2023-09-11 20:30:50,567::INFO::[filesystem:330] Checking if any resulting filenames need to be sanitized
2023-09-11 20:30:50,568::INFO::[postproc:441] Finished unpack_magic on ****************************
2023-09-11 20:30:50,569::DEBUG::[filesystem:615] Applying permissions 0o777 (octal) to /mnt/downloads/complete/_UNPACK_*****************
2023-09-11 20:30:50,839::DEBUG::[filesystem:615] Applying permissions 0o666 (octal) to /mnt/downloads/complete/_UNPACK_**************************/A4C6daqa6h934aTBSzfObdWANGpYzx.mkv
2023-09-11 20:30:50,841::DEBUG::[filesystem:877] Renaming "/mnt/downloads/complete/_UNPACK_**************************" to "/mnt/downloads/complete/_FAILED_***************************"
2023-09-11 20:30:50,842::DEBUG::[filesystem:920] [sabnzbd.postproc.rename_and_collapse_folder] Removing dir /mnt/downloads/complete/_UNPACK_*************************
2023-09-11 20:30:50,843::INFO::[nzbstuff:1836] [sabnzbd.postproc.process_job] Purging data for job ***************************** (delete_all_data=False)
2023-09-11 20:30:50,843::DEBUG::[articlecache:152] Purging 0 articles from the cache/disk
2023-09-11 20:30:50,846::INFO::[notifier:123] Sending notification: Download Failed - *************************** (type=failed, job_cat=*)
2023-09-11 20:30:50,861::DEBUG::[sorting:642] Initial guess for ************************** is MatchesDict([('title', *******'), ('season', 2), ('episode', 7), ('episode_title', '*******'), ('screen_size', '2160p'), ('streaming_service', 'AppleTV'), ('source', 'Web'), ('audio_codec', 'Dolby Digital Plus'), ('audio_channels', '5.1'), ('other', 'HDR10'), ('video_codec', 'H.265'), ('video_profile', 'High Efficiency Video Coding'), ('release_group', '*******'), ('type', 'episode')])
2023-09-11 20:30:50,861::DEBUG::[sorting:137] Matched sorter newsunpack__analyse_show to job ****************** (forced: True, custom: True)
2023-09-11 20:30:50,867::DEBUG::[assembler:79] Decoding part of /mnt/incomplete/***********************/UUDhEw24kMAfXTCWSX0iyTTGg8Z8rCApeuU.part047.rar
2023-09-11 20:30:50,867::INFO::[database:292] Added job ******************************** to history
2023-09-11 20:30:50,868::INFO::[postproc:130] Saving postproc queue
2023-09-11 20:30:50,869::DEBUG::[filesystem:1187] [] Saving data for postproc2.sab
2023-09-11 20:30:50,870::DEBUG::[filesystem:1119] [sabnzbd.filesystem.save_admin] Saving data for postproc2.sab in /sabnzbd/admin
2023-09-11 20:30:50,871::INFO::[downloader:457] Post-processing finished, resuming download
2023-09-11 20:30:51,753::INFO::[nzbstuff:1773] Detected filename based on par2: 87d3119f169545224c7063f1666dc156.29 -> UUDhEw24kMAfXTCWSX0iyTTGg8Z8rCApeuU.part031.rar