"Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

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"Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

Post by uvznab »

Running 64bit version 4.2.3 on Windows 10 pro. Getting an following unrecoverable error on MOST downloads mandating a full application kill and restart .
Log entry:

Code: Select all

::INFO::[notifier:142] Sending notification: Error - Fatal error in Downloader (type=error, job_cat=None)
::ERROR::[downloader:697] Fatal error in Downloader
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "sabnzbd\downloader..py", line 693, in process_nw_worker
  File "sabnzbd\downloader..py", line 734, in process_nw
  File "sabnzbd\newswrapper..py", line 98, in status_code
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: b'Pat'
(the two dots before the ..py are because of this editor that won't let me post one dot)
This happens on hundreds of random samples - even nzb's that worked before.
Problem disappeared after downgrade to 4.2.2.
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Re: "Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

Post by safihre »

Could you please try 4.3.0 Beta?
What provider do you use?
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Re: "Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

Post by uvznab »

Issue replicated on both giganews and highwinds backbones (on exact same nzbs).
Will try and test 4.3b when I can and get back to report.

To clarify: reported this issue as FYI because I'm sure it's/will be wide-spread. Not because I require support. I'm good with 4.2.2 for the moment.
I probably should have opened an issue on github... sorry.
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Re: "Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

Post by safihre »

It's not widespread, you're the first one reporting it.
So let's see what 4.3.0 reports.
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Re: "Fatal error" requiring restart on ver 4.2.3

Post by uvznab »

Update on this issue:
Finally upgraded to 4.3 and the problem changed to the 221 status code error. There's a github issue (#2822: fatal error in downloader with giganews) that reflects exactly the issue I had (Soz, can't post links yet).
The proposed solution of turning off pre-check seems to have solved it - for now.
For others that may face this issue, pre-check can be switched off in the Settings -> Switches -> Queue -> "Check before download"

Will report back if problem persists (or mutates).
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