Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily

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Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily

Post by tk007b »

Hi there,

I recently changed layouts from Gold-Plush to Glitter and there are 2 fields that I change a lot, when downloading, they are Category & Priority. I know I can change them by clicking on the drop down "circled" in Blue in the below pic

However, I wondered if you could just add a drop down next to the onscreen Category and Priority fields, which is what I could do from the Plush layout. So something like this ... ( I have added and circled in Red)

Many thanks for your time :-)


PS - Other than that, I have no reason to stick with Plush and really like the newer cleaner look
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Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily

Post by OneCD »

Yes, an upvote for this in the Glitter skin please. I'd like to be able to change the category by clicking on the current category name in the download queue. 🤓
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Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily

Post by safihre »

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Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily

Post by OneCD »

Ah, thanks @safihre. 😎
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