Hi there,
I recently changed layouts from Gold-Plush to Glitter and there are 2 fields that I change a lot, when downloading, they are Category & Priority. I know I can change them by clicking on the drop down "circled" in Blue in the below pic
However, I wondered if you could just add a drop down next to the onscreen Category and Priority fields, which is what I could do from the Plush layout. So something like this ... ( I have added and circled in Red)
Many thanks for your time :-)
PS - Other than that, I have no reason to stick with Plush and really like the newer cleaner look
Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily
Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily
Yes, an upvote for this in the Glitter skin please. I'd like to be able to change the category by clicking on the current category name in the download queue. 
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Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily
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Re: Ability to change Category / Priority fields more easily
Ah, thanks @safihre. 
Stuff I like: Apache bash cron DD-WRT Debian DNSMasq Entware FireFox GitHub ImageMagick Kate KDE LibreELEC Netrunner NFS NVIDIA OpenVPN Orvibo-S20 pfSense Python Raspberry-Pi RAID SABnzbd Transmission Usenet VirtualBox Watcher3 XFCE