Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

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Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

Since last 1-2 days I am getting the below error every few hours in the opened sab webui while it is doing nothing but sabnzbd (portable v4.3.3 on latest updated win 10 education v22H2) work fine (checked by downloading 1GB test file). I have not updated anything major on my pc in last few days except updating vpn software but that too is not set to auto start at windows startup though its installed service does launch after windows login but no systray icon which is must when launching & configuring the vpn software. There is nothing in event viewer either. One thing I am doing different in last 1-2 days is running qbittorrent for torrents which I was not using earlier but I have used sab with qbitorrent a few months earlier & at that time there was no such issues.

Code: Select all

Error on reading from the event loop self pipe
loop: <ProactorEventLoop running=True closed=False debug=False>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "asyncio\", line 462, in finish_socket_func
OSError: [WinError 64] The specified network name is no longer available

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "asyncio\", line 795, in _loop_self_reading
  File "asyncio\", line 803, in _poll
  File "asyncio\", line 466, in finish_socket_func
ConnectionResetError: [WinError 64] The specified network name is no longer available
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by sander »

Windows, something with socket, "no longer available", now and then ... so my guess: firewall or virusscanner doing something ... closing a socket?
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

I am using the built in windows defender & firewall only which usually does nothing fancy. Only thing I can think of is sab webui is using port 8081 instead of default 8080 but nothing on my pc uses port 8081 as far as I know. I am now testing with a new port to see if I get this error in next few days.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

Update: changed the port & received same error after few hours while sab UI was open in browser tab doing nothing.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

Update 2: specifically created exception in windows defender by incl sabnzbd process & creating rule in windows firewall to allow all traffic on any port on pvt connection & close the browser tab of sab webui. opened sab webui a few hours later & got the same error msg.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by safihre »

This is a different kind of socket, this is for the event loop which is used by Python to trigger tasks.
In our case we use it for the Watched Directory.

Do you maybe sometimes connect and disconnect your wifi or cable?
Does the device maybe sometimes goes into hiberation/sleep?
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

My pc is connected via ethernet wire to ISP router & is always on for last 2-3 days when I received this error msg. I do have an ethernet pcie card installed in my pc which is currently not connected to ethernet. I also have a wifi pcie card which again is currently not connected to any network. I don't have any watched directory option enabled.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

Update 3: I simply closed the error msg dialogue in sab webui without restarting sab & till now no more error msg. Previously, I always restarted the sab via UI to clear this error msg.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by guest999 »

Final update: Seems like this error msg appears only once after sab is launched/relaunched & just closing the error msg box in webui is enough after which it won't appear again until next restart/launch.
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Re: Repeat errors but sabnzbd working fine

Post by safihre »

Good to know.
We can't help much more, unfortunately :)
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