NZB Finder - any special settings required?

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NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by bdpowell »

Just took out a subscription with NZB Finder and downloaded first three NZB's ok and three MKV files completed without any issues but when I came to play them on the MacBook using MKPlayer the files are a black screen and no sound - but the HH:MM:SS counter progresses as though something is playing.

Copied the files to my portable hard disk and plugged into the TV and all three MKV's say "File Format Not Supported" and then "An Error Occurred".

Tried putting them through my file converter (Handbrake) and it says "No Valid Source Found" which would indicate to me that the file is not an MKV or is corrupt?

For completeness: Running ASTRAWEB as my only Usenet service, SABNZBD is my only downloader and I have two other indexer subscriptions - NZB Planet and NZBSU ~ I do not have any issues with the other two but I'm not aware of any special settings when I first subscribed to these two services.

I subscribed to NZB Finder to get to the files sooner and for longer - and for more selections - but so far its been a waste of my US$30 for the Pro subscription!!!

So my question is - Are there any special settings anyone is aware of that I need to set on SABNZBD or on NZB Finder itself?
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Re: NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by OneCD »

Hi. :)

No special settings are required, I use NZBFinder, DogNZB and a bunch of other indexers without issue.

It may be the original media wasn’t ripped correctly. Try a few other downloads and see if you can find a few that work.

It’s also a good idea to have more than one Usenet server susbscription in case of missing or corrupt articles. Try NewsHosting (there’s a deal for them on the main webpage:
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Re: NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by bdpowell »

OneCD wrote: November 12th, 2024, 12:34 am Hi. :)

No special settings are required, I use NZBFinder, DogNZB and a bunch of other indexers without issue.

It may be the original media wasn’t ripped correctly. Try a few other downloads and see if you can find a few that work.

It’s also a good idea to have more than one Usenet server susbscription in case of missing or corrupt articles. Try NewsHosting (there’s a deal for them on the main webpage:
Thanks for the info OneCD - took your advice and did 4 more downloads ... 3 worked and 1 had the same result as above ... notably the one that failed (in common with the 3 that failed per my opening post) had "AV1.10bit" in the nzb file name - the others were ELiTE or MeGusta nzbs and they worked fine so I'm suspect the failing files are downloading as MKV's but may be AVI's?
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Re: NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by OneCD »

Could be… you’d need to check the files with ‘mediainfo’, or whatever they use on macOS. ;)

It may just be those media files can’t be played with your media player.
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Re: NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by sander »

> using MKPlayer the files are a black screen and no sound - but the HH:MM:SS counter progresses as though something is playing.

I would try to play with VLC. VLC can do all codecs.

And indeed: check with CLI command "file" command the meta info of the video file.
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Re: NZB Finder - any special settings required?

Post by bdpowell »

sander wrote: November 12th, 2024, 2:13 am > using MKPlayer the files are a black screen and no sound - but the HH:MM:SS counter progresses as though something is playing.

I would try to play with VLC. VLC can do all codecs.

And indeed: check with CLI command "file" command the meta info of the video file.
Thanks @sander - will give that a go too
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