Just noticed this one. Seems odd, please let me know if this is a bug or by-design.
My RSS checking interval is 20 minutes.
I jumped to the SABnzbd RSS feed page, saw there were 2 minutes to-go until the next scan time. But, I couldn't wait, so I clicked "Read All Feeds Now". This was done and completed. I jumped back to the main queue and confirmed my items were now in the queue.
I jumped back to check the "Next scan time:" and it hadn't changed - I was guessing it should be the time 20 minutes from now. But it wasn't. Refreshed a few times and no-change.
Then the original scan time rolled around shortly afterward and (presumably) the RSS feed scan was activated again. Eventually, the scan time updated to 20 minutes from the original scan time.
Does this behaviour sound correct? I'm thinking the next scan time should always be calculated from the last scan time - whether it was an automated feed scan or a manual feed scan.
Thank you.
BTW: also just saw the forum won't let me search for "rss" as a word. It was flagged as an ignored word.