I am running with ubuntu 22.04.5
I was checking my installation of sabnzbd+ and notices the RSS thing. Mine has not been installed. I have three indexers, they have all been tested and work, as far as I know. My question is whether I shoujld enter them into the sabnzbd RSS thing or not. On reflection it got me to thinking.
If anybody thinks its useful and shold be intered I would also appreciate any directions to just how, exactly, it shold be filled in.
RSS Queestion
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RSS Queestion
Last edited by jwhitt12 on December 14th, 2024, 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: RSS Queestion
The RSS thing is useful if you habitually spend time on your indexers, browsing for things you'd like to download. If the indexer offers a bookmarks/cart facility for your account on their site and have an API for this, the downloading process becomes more convenient.
Enter the RSS details for your indexer account bookmarks feed into SABnzbd. SABnzbd will then (periodically and automatically) download any items you've saved on that indexer site.
This is easier than manually downloading the NZBs from the indexer onto your client device (PC, phone, etc...) then adding them to your SABnzbd download queue by uploading each one through the SABnzbd UI.
Note: this isn't the only use-case for RSS, but it's one I use a fair bit.
Enter the RSS details for your indexer account bookmarks feed into SABnzbd. SABnzbd will then (periodically and automatically) download any items you've saved on that indexer site.
This is easier than manually downloading the NZBs from the indexer onto your client device (PC, phone, etc...) then adding them to your SABnzbd download queue by uploading each one through the SABnzbd UI.
Note: this isn't the only use-case for RSS, but it's one I use a fair bit.
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Re: RSS Queestion
I am, obviously, confused. My problem is about 'indexers' . I have used several of them for a very long time but I am not sure how to deal with them insofar as RSS is concerned. The more I look into this the more confused i am getting. RSS is not a simple thing! Anyway, currently here is what I have been doing. I goto my indexer and get an nzb file. I then move this file to the sabnzbd+ watcher. sabnzbd+ then puts everything in order and that results in a functional result. My problem is that, sometimes, the functional result is not functional. When that happens when I try and use it it shuts down my machine and I have to restart. This is where it gets very strange. I have, for instance, found a bad one and, for no good reason, decided to change the title of the offender. I have done that a couple of times and, when I do, it seems to work (most of the time. Only did it about 3 times) ! This is also universal between different indexer suppliers. If you wish I can tell you which indexer outfits I use but they are in the lists you provided.
I am assuming that what I am doing is, basically, what sabnzbd+ normally does when RSS is installed properly. My problem is that I am not exactly sure how to get that done. That being said my other problem, I suspect, should get fixed before I go any further.
I also apologize for all of this and am not trying to be difficult on this one.
I am assuming that what I am doing is, basically, what sabnzbd+ normally does when RSS is installed properly. My problem is that I am not exactly sure how to get that done. That being said my other problem, I suspect, should get fixed before I go any further.
I also apologize for all of this and am not trying to be difficult on this one.
Re: RSS Queestion
How did you conclude RSS was the problem here?jwhitt12 wrote: ↑December 9th, 2024, 4:56 pm Anyway, currently here is what I have been doing. I goto my indexer and get an nzb file. I then move this file to the sabnzbd+ watcher. sabnzbd+ then puts everything in order and that results in a functional result. My problem is that, sometimes, the functional result is not functional. When that happens when I try and use it it shuts down my machine and I have to restart. This is where it gets very strange. I have, for instance, found a bad one and, for no good reason, decided to change the title of the offender. I have done that a couple of times and, when I do, it seems to work (most of the time. Only did it about 3 times) ! This is also universal between different indexer suppliers. If you wish I can tell you which indexer outfits I use but they are in the lists you provided.

RSS is completely unrelated to the behaviour of your PC when you attempt to open a downloaded file. If your PC is shutting-down, that's a separate issue entirely.
Stuff I like: Apache bash cron DD-WRT Debian DNSMasq Entware FireFox GitHub ImageMagick Kate KDE LibreELEC Netrunner NFS NVIDIA OpenVPN Orvibo-S20 pfSense Python Raspberry-Pi RAID SABnzbd Transmission Usenet VirtualBox Watcher3 XFCE
Re: RSS Queestion
sorry - just a problem and am trying to figure out what is going on. I also suspect I should inter rss but cannot figure out where and what to do about it. I will keep reading and, perhaps, I will find my answer. I should add that I don't thing rss is the problem I suspect it might be the solution!
Thank you for the reply!
Thank you for the reply!
Re: RSS Queestion
I have now entered "nzbnoob.com" into feed 1. This took me to another page which added "feed 2". I have a question. Sabnzbd is trying to do its thing. I am getting: "Failed to retrieve RSS from nzbnoob.com: <unknown>:2:0: syntax error" and I am not sure what is going on. Here are a couple of names which are in the incomplete file of Sabnzbd:
as far as I know they have not worked so far. These are names "beginning with 'Dune' which come from nzbnoob. What I need to do is to know, exactly, how I am supposed to fill in the stuff for feed 1 which is currently stuff like 'accept', 'default', save, etc. I have read a lot of this stuff but continue with confusion. I suspect they should all be the same but not sure which for what.
Every now and then, before I started with RSS, one will work and move onto the complete column and I will then take that and send it to where it should go. It gets even stranger (for me) there. Sometimes they will work, sometimes will freeze the system. If that happens I will run it though the system 'videos' and then back to 'Kody' and suddenly it works. Mysteries abound!
as far as I know they have not worked so far. These are names "beginning with 'Dune' which come from nzbnoob. What I need to do is to know, exactly, how I am supposed to fill in the stuff for feed 1 which is currently stuff like 'accept', 'default', save, etc. I have read a lot of this stuff but continue with confusion. I suspect they should all be the same but not sure which for what.
Every now and then, before I started with RSS, one will work and move onto the complete column and I will then take that and send it to where it should go. It gets even stranger (for me) there. Sometimes they will work, sometimes will freeze the system. If that happens I will run it though the system 'videos' and then back to 'Kody' and suddenly it works. Mysteries abound!
Re: RSS Queestion
Since there have been no replies I wonder, does anybody have any idea of where the information on this stuf might be?