Did a broad upgrade/update and now Sabnzbd doesn't work (sudo apt upgrade)

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Joined: December 9th, 2024, 11:57 am

Did a broad upgrade/update and now Sabnzbd doesn't work (sudo apt upgrade)

Post by sugardaddy »

Version I'm running seems to be up to date: "sabnzbdplus is already the newest version (4.3.3-0ubuntu1~jcfp1~22.04)."

Running on Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon

I don't know how it was installed, I was a super noob back then and just ran a command I found on a reputable page online maybe a year or two ago. Probably from sabnzbd own page, or a link from there. I know it's not running in docker. I always try to install from a repo or apt type thing, because my perception is that it is easier to keep that updated.

I can program in a couple of web languages, and mainly work in windows. but just set up this linux computer a year or two ago. Installation commands are fortuitously abundant on the internet, and have done well for me thus far. But diagnosing this kind of problem is above my skill level currently.

the situation:

I think I had an error in sabnzbd that caused me to do the upgrade.

The error I was seeing in Sab's UI was:

Code: Select all

SABCTools disabled: no correct version found! (Found v8.2.3, expecting v7.1.2)
But I may have gotten that after I did the upgrade. I can't remember. I may have done the upgrade just because it had been so long that I thought it was time to bring things current.

Then I read somewhere that maybe doing another upgrade could help, so I did that.

after that, the UI would not load any more, but I eventually got the following to display....

https://pastebin .com/M3s08SrF

Currently, the status of the app seems to be active, but that it did exit, perhaps due to the above error. Here's that status message:

https://pastebin .com/GDcPGPtE

And then here is the log of when I did the upgrade back at the beginning:

https://pastebin .com/DudP4g3C
Posts: 2
Joined: December 9th, 2024, 11:57 am

Re: Did a broad upgrade/update and now Sabnzbd doesn't work (sudo apt upgrade)

Post by sugardaddy »

In browsing around, I saw that someone had to add their user to a config file: /etc/default/sabnzbdplus

i opened that file and found that the user was blank. That was discouraging, because I would hope that an update wouldn't clear out all my settings. I'd hate to have to setup all my sab indexers/servers, etc

But I added that username and did the daemon reload, but no change in that 500 error message that I reported above.
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