I had been using mechanical drives for a while and sab used to show this was the limiting factor in my download speed. As an aside, has that facility gone as can't find anymore? I have upgraded to a usb 3.0 ssd and when I test in the UI it shows download folder at 104.1 MB/s and my download speed at 60.9 MB/s but doing the test download I'm stil capping out at about 48MB/s which is about the same as without the ssd. Is system performance in fact the limiting factor and not the temp folder?
full stats here:
https://1drv.ms/i/c/287d09b35f802abc/EW ... A?e=8RMbIr
ssd and increased download speed
Re: ssd and increased download speed
probably yes: system performance pystone 70.000 is quite low.
Re: ssd and increased download speed
cheers sander. I guess it will be faster at unpacking at least.
Re: ssd and increased download speed
Your screenshot says:
* "osmc", so OSMC (Open Source Media Center)?
* aarch64 ... so ... Raspi? Or ... ?
* "osmc", so OSMC (Open Source Media Center)?
* aarch64 ... so ... Raspi? Or ... ?
Re: ssd and increased download speed
Yes, it's OSMC on Vero V https://osmc.tv/vero/
Re: ssd and increased download speed
Your Vero V (Tech Specs)
Quad Core 2Ghz ARM 64-bit processor (S905X4-O)
... with the S905X4 from 2020 or so.
Re: ssd and increased download speed
So you mean I'm getting as much mileage out of it that's possible then, really?
Re: ssd and increased download speed
One cannot hard-calculate what the speed can be, but I would say 48MB/s is quite nice for that hardware.
If you want to find out if you can squeeze aout a few more MB/s, read https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/advanced/highspeed-downloading
Re: ssd and increased download speed
Thanks Sander. I've already tweaked all I can from there. Your input is appreciated.
Re: ssd and increased download speed
Probably yes, the amlogic chipsets in devices such as yours are optimized for use as media players. I have a similar box running coreelec/kodi here using a slightly older, passsively cooled s905x3 chipset. They do hardware decoding of common media formats making them incredibly efficient at that, despite their very modest performance as a generic CPU. Chipset design often limits them further, for example by sharing bandwidth between usb/wifi/ethernet (in ways similar to some raspberry pis models).