I am still trying to figure out and install RSS stuff for sabnzbd+ to deal with. Below are some rss things for sabnzbd+ to deal with and created to run in the sabnzbd+ feed urls. These url's can, I think, get quite large. I am not sure whether each group of data is on its own line or not. I am also seriously confused.
Below are groups of RSS sets. Each of is for a different. I need to setup my sabnzbd+ dss stuff. I have spent days reading this and that. Below is some of what I found. I just need to know how, and what, exactly, I need to put into a sabbzbd+ feeds. Hopefully somebody can help me.
The rest is what I have been dealing with so far.
Addresses I was using for my info:
What I need to know is how, exactly, this stuff should be put together for an rss (1, 2, or 3)
THESE ARE RSS FEEDS FOR NZBFINDER.WS This is 2 feeds depending on category. The first is tv HD and the seonds is MOVIES HD. In theory, I think, each would be called depending on tv or movies. these would be used for feed 1 and feed 2 (which should cover what I want) I think I need to use 3 feeds; feed 1 sends name and address to read, the second gets the stuff, the third completes download.
https://nzbfinder.ws/rss/tv HD?id=5060&dl=1&api_token=DONT_POST_THAT_DUDE
https://nzbfinder.ws/rss/MOVIES HD?id=5060&dl=1&api_token=DONT_POST_THAT_DUDE
This is a second group, this time for nzb noob. I don't think it makes any different but, just in case. In this I am using nzbnoob. There are 3 rss things. The first deals with tv series (category), the second restricts download the having been displayed in last 7 days. Suspect the second would probably be the best. I also suspect this group may be better than the previous (regardless of the address and name stuff)
In addition to everything there are also dss stuff for audio as well. I am currently thinking to skip that and there are, someplace, general stuff like language, etc.
I am gambling this stuff from different nzb hunter places, such as audio.
TV Stories > HD feed 2, tv info
https://nzbnoob.com/rss/?tvinfo=1234&dl ... _THAT_DUDE
run in last 7 days
https://nzbnoob.com//rss/?tvinfo=1234&a ... _THAT_DUDE
movies: https://nzbnoob.com/rss?t=-4&dl=1&i=320 ... DUDE&del=1
Tv Series (Use the TVInfo ID)
Tv Series aired in last seven days (Using the TVInfo ID and airdate)
My cart feed
My shows feed
My movies feed
My shows feed: /rss?t=-3&dl=1&i=6119&r=DONT_POST_THAT_DUDE
My movies feed: /rss?t=-4&dl=1&i=6119&r=DONT_POST_THAT_DUDE
Additional Feeds
Tv Series (Use the TVInfo ID): /rss/?
Tv Series aired in last seven days (Using the TVInfo ID and airdate):
Trying to deal with RSS stuff and failing
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Re: Trying to deal with RSS stuff and failing
You want to replace your api keys on all indexers mentioned in your post STAT.
The help on nzbfinder has complete example URLs for the CART and every (sub-)category of one's choice. CART only has stuff that was manually added and therefore only needs an 'accept *' filter in sabnzbd's rss settings. ALL OTHER FEEDS NEED CAREFUL FILTERS or you'll end up downloading everything posted to usenet. If you don't fully understand, don't use any of these other feeds in sabnzbd: you're all but guaranteed to be doing something wrong and might well end up getting banned on the indexer in question.
The help on nzbfinder has complete example URLs for the CART and every (sub-)category of one's choice. CART only has stuff that was manually added and therefore only needs an 'accept *' filter in sabnzbd's rss settings. ALL OTHER FEEDS NEED CAREFUL FILTERS or you'll end up downloading everything posted to usenet. If you don't fully understand, don't use any of these other feeds in sabnzbd: you're all but guaranteed to be doing something wrong and might well end up getting banned on the indexer in question.
Re: Trying to deal with RSS stuff and failing
As you use nzbnoob.com:
go to https://nzbnoob.com/cart
there it says: "Your cart can be downloaded as an Rss Feed."
click on "Rss Feed"
that will lead to a page like https://nzbnoob.com/rss?t=-2&dl=1&i=223 ... abla&del=1
copy-paste that URL into SABnzbd's RSS settings
Now, if on nzbnoob you put something into your cart (Action -> add to cart), it will arrive in that RSS Feed, and SABnzbd will download it
go to https://nzbnoob.com/cart
there it says: "Your cart can be downloaded as an Rss Feed."
click on "Rss Feed"
that will lead to a page like https://nzbnoob.com/rss?t=-2&dl=1&i=223 ... abla&del=1
copy-paste that URL into SABnzbd's RSS settings
Now, if on nzbnoob you put something into your cart (Action -> add to cart), it will arrive in that RSS Feed, and SABnzbd will download it