Optimize for Speed?

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Optimize for Speed?

Post by methanoid »

I know I am not the only SAB user who runs it on a low power NAS box (or tried to). Recently I have found it less stable but that might be due to dealing with larger file downloads so I switched back to a PC which has miles more CPU power but uses miles more electricity! :(

I'd tried Hellanzb which like SAB is Python based. Both run fine for a slower connection but neither would max a 10mbit connection for me and recently I was persuaded to try NZBget. This easily maxed my connection but it doesnt have the features SAB has.

This makes me wonder what NZBget does that SAB doesnt when downloading and assembling options. Could SAB authors look into it? I know I am being greedy but if NZBget can get MUCH more speed than surely SAB could?

So that's request #1, Optimise download speed. Now the rest

I think most NZB downloaders struggle on low power CPUs to do stuff like PAR and unRAR. SAB seems to work fine on smaller files but a big download like say a 27gb ISO image and it kills the machine. Would it be possible to have a rule set for post download processing? eg. Limit PAR or RAR to one at a time (SAB does this but Hella doesnt!), if the file is say over X Gb don't PAR check and if its over say Y Gb don't unRAR. This would be in addition to the Newzbin category rules - so say a 1gb TV download would get PAR and unRAR but a 10gb one would not if X and Y were set to 9gb? Make any sense? Could be done by have a categorisation applied to files over certain sizes (automatically, not by having to select it manually)

So that's #2 - rules for post processing

Web interface. SAB uses CherryPy but that does not co-exist well with Apache or Lighttpd for me. It needs something like ModProxy which I cannot find out how it works. I can only connect to port 80 from work (and plenty of people have restricted work places these days) so that means I have to set my router to forward port 80 to port 8081 where SAB listens. But that means I cannot forward to port 8080 where either Apache or Lightttpd would live. So I cannot host a web site on the box. Sob! Can that be fixed? Web interface that uses Apache/Lighttpd?

So that's #3 - revised web interface

Now the trivial requests. You helpfully gave us sort by file size on download queue (which I asked for!!). Could that be a toggle so that if clicked a 2nd time it sorts Descending rather than Ascending? Same on Sort by Date and Sort by Name?

That's request #4 - toggle Sort options

Could there be an option in Bookmark Processing to remove a bookmark from Newzbin bookmarks as soon as the NZB is downloading to the SAB queue - not when it has finished but as soon as the NZB file is downloaded.

That's Request #5 - tweak NZB download options

So in summary, this loyal SAB user (!!!) who is grateful for your superb program would like to politely request

#1 - Optimise download speeds
#2 - Rules for post processing
#3 - Revised web interface
#4 - Toggle Sort options
#5 - Tweak NZB download options

Any chance?
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Re: Optimize for Speed?

Post by shypike »

NZBGet is written in C++, HellaNZB and SABnzbd both in Python.

- NZBGet is faster and could use less memory (if the author does his best)
- NZBGet's author will have to spend much more time on his features
- NZBGet's author will have to spend much more time on portability

We have no plans whatsoever to rewrite SABnzbd in C++.
We're not in competition with any of these programs.
We make what we like, because it's fun doing it.

#1: maybe (the team isn't really into NAS devices)
#2: If you want to do crazy things, use a user script
#3: see http://sabnzbd.wikidot.com/howto-apache
#4: maybe later
#5: No, because the download may fail and you don't want to loose the bookmark.
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