synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

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synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by asaweli »

Hi all,

I have gone through all the different posts on the forum / web but cannot find a solution to my problem

I have a synology DS1812+ and have SABNZBd, sickbeard and couchpotato running on the NAS. In sabnzbd I have created two categories being couchpotato with the folder path being ./couchpotato and sickbeard with the folder path being ./SickBeard.

I have created these folders in the complete folder of sabnzbd as I am supposed to. The weird thing is. All items as requested in sickbeard seem to go fine and new folders are made for these items in the sickbeard folder. I do get loads of log errors in sickbeard stating "You're trying to post process an episode that's already been moved to its show dir"

but this does not cause an issue with the item being downloaded.

Every item which was sent to sabnzbd from couchpotato gets downloaded but things go wrong in post processing. each time I get the error message PostProcessing was aborted cannot create final folder
/volume 1/Downloads/couchpotato/itemname

I have tried putting absolute folder paths in but that does not seem to help. I also dit not select any renaming or postprocessing in couchpotato Seems to be a rights issue but the weird thing is sickbeard is working fine in combination with sabnzbd. Can anyone help me out or is couchpotato/sabnzbd just not working for me?

Thank you very much in advance for the help
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Re: synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by asaweli »

Just bumping this to see if anyone can help me out.

I have imported an nzb for the same item manually and this gets post processed fine. All items sent from couch potato have this folder issue. Although I am new to sabnzbd I am usually ok at getting these kind of things to work so kind of lost here. All help is welcome

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Re: synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by asaweli »

Just wanted to let everyone know that I solved this by removing the last folder being couchpotato. So now couch potato downloads all folders to the incoming folder itself. Probably has something to do with length of folder names or total folder path.
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Re: synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by sander »

asaweli wrote:Probably has something to do with length of folder names or total folder path.
I think it has to do with the rights on the folder. Log in on your NAS, and check with "ls -al" on both folders (the writable, and the non-writable).
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Re: synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by asaweli »

sander wrote:
asaweli wrote:Probably has something to do with length of folder names or total folder path.
I think it has to do with the rights on the folder. Log in on your NAS, and check with "ls -al" on both folders (the writable, and the non-writable).

How exactly do i check that? Isn't it weird though that if I leave out the last folder everything downloads fine. I only know how to set privileges for the main share on the synology not for sub folders.
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Re: synology DS+ and cannot create final folder issue

Post by sander »

You need a ssh (or telnet) session to your Synology.

To be honest; that was the reason I didn't reply to your question: A lot of Synology users know how to use their Synology, but know little about its internals. Which is OK, but makes debugging and helping difficult.
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