maximum number of connections
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maximum number of connections
Does anyone know the maximum number of connections sabnzbd can handle? I have one master server using 30 connections and 14 filler servers from various resellers in different counties. can sabnzbd handle 15 servers and well over 100 connections? They all don't work simultaneously unless the master server doesn't have a certain article which seems be happening more and more these days if you know what I mean. Anyways thanks in advance and I hope everyone has happy and prosperous new year.
Re: maximum number of connections
14 fill servers? Are you aware that there aren't 14 distinct paid binary newsfeeds out there, so most of what you're doing is paying for the same feeds through different middle-men?
Re: maximum number of connections
The maximum is not defined, although on slower systems you'll see that having a lot connections will reduce speed.
Some operating systems have a system-wide maximum for network connections, that might get in the way.
So I would recommend that you set low connection count for the backup servers.
If a post is effectively removed from all servers, all of your backups will be used.
Some operating systems have a system-wide maximum for network connections, that might get in the way.
So I would recommend that you set low connection count for the backup servers.
If a post is effectively removed from all servers, all of your backups will be used.