That's nice
. I'd suggest adding this line of code btw:
search for:
toprar=$(mono "$SRREXE" "${PWD##*/}.srr" -l | grep "RAR Files:" -A1 | tail -n 1$
[ -f "$toprar" ] || mono "$SRREXE" "${PWD##*/}.srr" -r -u -y
add below:
toprar=`echo $toprar | sed -r 's/(.*)\///g'`
This is necessary for .srr files that contain CD1/ in the .srr itself. One example is the BELIAL release of 12 Monkeys. By adding that line of code you remove everything in front of the slash, so
for example:
CD1/rlsname.cd1-grp.rar will become rlsname.cd1-grp.rar
If you don't do this, it will not know that the files have extracted succesfully because it tries for the rar in CD1, while the script gets all the .avi files from the subdirs and places them in the root dir.
I'd also suggest only removing the source files after the release has been verified with cfv.
*edit: oops, don't do this right below that line, else it'll mess up the next if, because the $? now has the value of the echo | sed.