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Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 16th, 2012, 9:40 pm
by ghostcorps
Just another FYI for FreeBSD users and maybe others: If you are having issues with gzopen be sure to have archivers/php5-zlib installed.


Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 12:30 am
by fireflash
So after donating, i figured I was now obligated to get it working - and I did! Using ubuntu server 12.10 on my laptop. Followed the older 11.10 guide with some modifications for newer versions of software. Looks to be working just fine so far.

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 2:03 am
by henchman21
Quick question before starting a new thread. I've searched around here a bit as well as google and am not finding much. I've got everything setup. I did the install and went through the original configuration with no issue and everything seemed ok. My issue/question are what is needed to install to the non-web root directory (I have www/http and https as I have a few sites/pages for port 80 and others are HTTPS PW protected with a cert.)??? I installed to HTTPS under the /www directory (meaning reading install instructions I just modified the commands to point to /var/www/https). If i go to the main page its fine /newznab/www/ After I did the setup I was actually in the admin hangout, but when my browser cache and such cleared it no longer worked (I bookmarked this: /newznab/www/admin/). Now when I click on Login from the /www page I get an internal server error in the logs and my browser just shows a blank white screen

Code: Select all

"GET /newznab/www/login HTTP/1.1" 500 20 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0"
Actually, all the pages do this. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 10:32 am
by confusedxx
Hello All,

I installed on my laptop and things started working, but I get a Fatal Error: Directive "register_globals" is no longer available in PHP.

This appeared after I edited the xammp php.ini file to show: register_globals = on
The default was register_globals = Off

Any idea why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?
ko0ky wrote:I'm trying to put together a tutorial for newbie users like myself who might need some help setting up newznab on windows. I somewhat got this going (time will tell how good it's working).

A big Thanks to medoix on the IRC channel for his help!

I expect this tutorial to be a work in progress. If I missed a step or did something wrong, don't flame me, I'm just offering a bit of help for the next guy.

The instructions included with the download seemed a bit lacking for window users, especially for those of us who don't do much with php, apache, curl and other apps needed for this to work. Also I couldn't find much on this forum.

Here's the steps I did to get it working. (notice: I wasn't concerned with SSL at this time, so I didn't worry about setting it up. If this is something you are concerned about you may need some better instructions)

First I installed an apache/curl/pear/php/blah blah pack.. - (Dont be mislead, the download link is near the bottom where you choose if you want to download a zip/install file or 7zip) I decided on the install file ::) I installed to the default location c:\xampp

Next I installed TortoiseSVN which was recommended to grab newznab. after installing it I ran it and used the login information provided when I purchased NNPLUS (some of you not using NNPLUS may need to skip this part.. I have no idea how you download the non plus version), I nagivated to c:\xampp\htdocs and right mouse clicked where I found a new menu option (after installing tortoisesvn) and selected SVN checkout. It created a folder c:\xampp\htdocs\nnplus (YES I might have downloaded this to the wrong directory.. or perhaps could have changed it a bit.. but it didn't matter much to me. My url is which is fine with me)

Next navigate to c:\xampp\php and open php.ini - search for "memory limit".. set at 256, next search for "minimum execution time" and set to 60. (keep php.ini open for next step)

Next I reviewed this page ... n-windows/ for setting up curl on windows box. I had to make a few adjustments. TAKE NOTE his install is d:\apps , using this setup our install dir is c:\xampp.. You can skip "- set extensions_dir to d:\apps\php\extensions" it's all set correctly. Next in php.ini search for "register_globals =" and set to On, next search php.ini for "session.save_path =" make sure you see session.save_path = "C:\xampp\tmp"

Copy php5ts.dll (located in c:\xampp\php\) to your c:\xampp\Apache\bin folder
Copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll (located in c:\xampp\php\) to c:\windows\system32

download curl.exe from - I used win32 generic - I put curl.exe in c:\xampp

[Windows XP Install Only] Check to see if you have the following file: c:\windows\system32\msvcr70.dll. If not, search for it in Google and download it to system32. You may get error messages without it. ( I didn't have a problem with this.. I am using windows 2008 )

Uncomment the curl line in your php.ini file to enable curl: extension=php_curl.dll

I skipped the rest of steps on that curl page, PHP was working fine so I didn't need to mess with that.

in php.ini search for "E_ALL | E_STRICT" and change to E_ALL ^ E_STRICT

save php.ini - restart apache (you can use xampp control panel (located in your taskbar near the clock) to stop and start the service.

You will need to add c:\xampp\php to your system variable path (right click my computer - properties - advanced system settings - advanced - Environment Variables... in the system variables find PATH, double click and at the very end add c:\xampp\php

Now continue with the steps provided from the INSTALL.TXT file from newznab:

3) Browse to http://yournewznabserver/install. (the example above.. or mine was
refer to the list of requirements above if you encounter any errors during install, or the FAQ in the README
4) Once installed activate only one or two groups to test with first (a.b.linux.iso is a good choice), this
will save you time if it is not working correctly.
5) Run the update_binaries.php and update_releases.php scripts in \misc\update_scripts\ via command-line.
6) If updating was successful then you can continue to setup your site and configure the update scripts for
auto-updating. windows users use the script /misc/update_scripts/win_scripts/runme.bat

THIS SHOULD GET YOU UP and running unless I over looked something.. Please comment if this has helped you or if I left something out. I will try my best to help in any way I can.

Hope this helps someone!

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 10:32 am
by confusedxx
Hello All,

I installed on my laptop and things started working, but I get a Fatal Error: Directive "register_globals" is no longer available in PHP.

This appeared after I edited the xammp php.ini file to show: register_globals = on
The default was register_globals = Off

Any idea why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?
ko0ky wrote:I'm trying to put together a tutorial for newbie users like myself who might need some help setting up newznab on windows. I somewhat got this going (time will tell how good it's working).

A big Thanks to medoix on the IRC channel for his help!

I expect this tutorial to be a work in progress. If I missed a step or did something wrong, don't flame me, I'm just offering a bit of help for the next guy.

The instructions included with the download seemed a bit lacking for window users, especially for those of us who don't do much with php, apache, curl and other apps needed for this to work. Also I couldn't find much on this forum.

Here's the steps I did to get it working. (notice: I wasn't concerned with SSL at this time, so I didn't worry about setting it up. If this is something you are concerned about you may need some better instructions)

First I installed an apache/curl/pear/php/blah blah pack.. - (Dont be mislead, the download link is near the bottom where you choose if you want to download a zip/install file or 7zip) I decided on the install file ::) I installed to the default location c:\xampp

Next I installed TortoiseSVN which was recommended to grab newznab. after installing it I ran it and used the login information provided when I purchased NNPLUS (some of you not using NNPLUS may need to skip this part.. I have no idea how you download the non plus version), I nagivated to c:\xampp\htdocs and right mouse clicked where I found a new menu option (after installing tortoisesvn) and selected SVN checkout. It created a folder c:\xampp\htdocs\nnplus (YES I might have downloaded this to the wrong directory.. or perhaps could have changed it a bit.. but it didn't matter much to me. My url is which is fine with me)

Next navigate to c:\xampp\php and open php.ini - search for "memory limit".. set at 256, next search for "minimum execution time" and set to 60. (keep php.ini open for next step)

Next I reviewed this page ... n-windows/ for setting up curl on windows box. I had to make a few adjustments. TAKE NOTE his install is d:\apps , using this setup our install dir is c:\xampp.. You can skip "- set extensions_dir to d:\apps\php\extensions" it's all set correctly. Next in php.ini search for "register_globals =" and set to On, next search php.ini for "session.save_path =" make sure you see session.save_path = "C:\xampp\tmp"

Copy php5ts.dll (located in c:\xampp\php\) to your c:\xampp\Apache\bin folder
Copy libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll (located in c:\xampp\php\) to c:\windows\system32

download curl.exe from - I used win32 generic - I put curl.exe in c:\xampp

[Windows XP Install Only] Check to see if you have the following file: c:\windows\system32\msvcr70.dll. If not, search for it in Google and download it to system32. You may get error messages without it. ( I didn't have a problem with this.. I am using windows 2008 )

Uncomment the curl line in your php.ini file to enable curl: extension=php_curl.dll

I skipped the rest of steps on that curl page, PHP was working fine so I didn't need to mess with that.

in php.ini search for "E_ALL | E_STRICT" and change to E_ALL ^ E_STRICT

save php.ini - restart apache (you can use xampp control panel (located in your taskbar near the clock) to stop and start the service.

You will need to add c:\xampp\php to your system variable path (right click my computer - properties - advanced system settings - advanced - Environment Variables... in the system variables find PATH, double click and at the very end add c:\xampp\php

Now continue with the steps provided from the INSTALL.TXT file from newznab:

3) Browse to http://yournewznabserver/install. (the example above.. or mine was
refer to the list of requirements above if you encounter any errors during install, or the FAQ in the README
4) Once installed activate only one or two groups to test with first (a.b.linux.iso is a good choice), this
will save you time if it is not working correctly.
5) Run the update_binaries.php and update_releases.php scripts in \misc\update_scripts\ via command-line.
6) If updating was successful then you can continue to setup your site and configure the update scripts for
auto-updating. windows users use the script /misc/update_scripts/win_scripts/runme.bat

THIS SHOULD GET YOU UP and running unless I over looked something.. Please comment if this has helped you or if I left something out. I will try my best to help in any way I can.

Hope this helps someone!

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 12:18 pm
by sab12397
88keyz wrote:With the free version you have to write your own regexs, if you donate you get access to the community developed regexs. Much easier to donate.
You used to get a free set of Regex's it appears these have been removed.

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 17th, 2012, 1:09 pm
by fireflash
Everything seems to be going well on my install, except while running the newznab_local script (under screen), I keep seeing this from Sphinx:

Code: Select all

PHP Notice:  Undefined index: total-documents in /var/www/newznab/www/lib/sphinx.php on line 331
blah blah blah
WARNING: failed to scanf pid from pid_file '/var/www/newznab/db/sphinxdata/'.
WARNING: indices NOT rotated.
Any ideas? I didn't compile the older version of Sphinx that was talked about in the 11.10 install guide; I grabbed the latest .deb file from their site and installed it. There's a chance it's configured wrong...


Figured it out. Sphinx is a stubborn beast, but it's working.

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 18th, 2012, 12:19 pm
by arubial1229

I've got my server up and running and releases are coming in correctly. However, I've noticed the timestamps on them are wrong. New releases always say they're 7-8 hours old. Is there anywhere I can change this?

EDIT fixed this in one of the config files. It was set to Berlin. Changed to my time zone. Good to go.

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 8:34 am
by brantdk
Hi guys, Maybe I can get some help..Iv installed Newznab on my Synology 1115+ but am kinda stuck.
I get to the check list and everything check out ok. After activing a couple of groups, I go in and run php update_binaries.php but get an error

the error is:
Failed with return code 255 and error message
PHP Warning: require_once(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /volume1/web/www/lib/Net_NNTP/NNTP/Protocol/Client.php on line 73.
PHP Fatel error: require_once(): Failed opening required ´PEAR.php´(include_path=".:/usr/syno/php/lib/php") in /volume1/web/www/lib/Net_NNTP/Protocol/Client.php on line 73

Im not a linux exspert so please be pations with me. and thanks for any help

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 9:43 am
by kikistan

I have a huge issue with
the process stops after 2 or 3 min

Any idea ?


Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 12:40 pm
by sab12397
Does anyone know how you can search limiting the size and age?

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 19th, 2012, 10:52 pm
by arubial1229
I have all the regexes from the donated version and I noticed I'm getting a lot of p2p releases. Is there any way to only get scene releases?

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 20th, 2012, 1:47 am
by ghostcorps
Is anyone else having trouble with the majority of filenames being gibberish?

For example:
  • bnedhe8utrh5tnbg9
    Cnffjbeq Oynpx Fhaqnl

Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 20th, 2012, 5:35 am
by jamesjfa
I have been playing around with NN+ and quite like it (apart from trying to get a working regex for a.b.british.drama anyone?????). I would now like to install on a separate machine that will run 24x7. My choices are as follows:

An Atom Nettop (Acer Veriton) that has 2 GB or ram. I can install Ubuntu Server on here and let it run. My other option would be to install on a 2009 Mac Mini with 2gb ram that is currently used for Plex, Sabnzbd and Sickbeard. Would either of these machines be adequate for this. I would maybe be running around 12 different groups with maybe 2 or 4 logins. If the nettop would be ok, it would be a headless unit with access available only via ssh. With this can I still run the update scripts remotely but then close down my terminal session allowing them to run. Then would I be able to log in again and check the progress?


Re: newznab - open source usenet indexer and all round nzbs.

Posted: December 20th, 2012, 6:12 am
by confusedxx
So far the newznab program is working fine and I am happy I donated. I am only indexing a few groups right now and have about 180 days of backfill.

However, I am not getting all the TV shows or new Movies. I am getting a lot of >Other categories. is there a list of newsgroups that should be indexed for the popular movies and TV series?