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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 3:03 pm
by LarzJG
I'm still running this, and it's still an integral part of my media center setup. For the last month or two, I've had to tweak almost nothing of it, and that's awesome. :)

Ran into one issue today, tho, and here it is:

I changed my config for show quality. I wanted to get Colbert and Daily Show in HD, as I don't really bother archiving them for long any way - so I added this line to my Quality.config:

The Daily Show|720p

Same for Colbert. Now, it happened yesterday that there was no HD version of Colbert on NZB Matrix or any of my other feeds. That meant I simply didn't get that show downloaded, and I'd have settled for a Divx version in that case.

Any way you could fix it so it would prioritize A, but download B if A was not found?

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 5:52 pm
by markus101
I see what you're getting at, but from my POV that is an issue (though I may have a solution for that).

From the way I see it, the Divx version is posted first 99% of the time, so the HD version would never be downloaded since the file would already exist, once the SD version was posted (issue if you are checking often for new episodes, less so I you check infrequently).

As a possible solution I could see the following:
Have the Divx version download first, then download the x264 version if you wanted to have that instead, I'm not sure how to specify at this time which takes priority and which shows this would be applicable to, but I like the idea... now how to best implement it is running through my mind...

If you have any idea how to best setup to allow this I might be better able to make it happen, I'd like to grow this project into something more than it currently is (make it a service instead of a console application - which I now have a better idea on what to do there), so please get me some ideas.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 7:24 am
by jrussell
Hey, Ive got a problem with the schedualing of SABSync. All my setting seem correct, everything works 100% when I run SABSync.exe or the hidden exe manually but the scheduled launches never work. I created the task from the GUI.

Ive attached a screenshot of the the problem.

if you anyone could help me that would be great :)

Running win7 32 bit ultimate, SABNZBD 0.5.3. and SABSync with the GUI

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 4:26 pm
by LarzJG
I love crude solutions. :D

Add an option to define a prioritized list of formats: The Daily Show|720p,divx would download 720p if available, divx if not. Can you somehow track whether the file in the folder is 720p or not?

I'm thinking you will - somehow - have to keep track of what has been downloaded. So many things would be easier for you if you know which files we've previously downloaded, and what format they were. Today, once the file is put into the TV-folder and renamed, we no longer have any idea where it came from.

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 22nd, 2010, 7:43 pm
by markus101
@JRussell - That is odd, I'm wondering if it has something to do with UAC, what happens when you try to run the Scheduled Task manually? If it fails there I would edit the scheduled task and then tell it to run under your user name, perhaps its trying to run as something that can't access the file. (typical vague error makes it tough to trouble shoot).

I hear Database yelling loud and clear, I already have a couple idea's on how to implement it, so I will see what is feasible.

To handle multiple qualities for a show is to have a database of all shows (updated each time a new show is added on disk + allow for adding directly through a GUI), and have a preferred format and a backup format, for preferred you would have 3 choices, 720p, divx (or xvid) and default, where default would be your default quality that you assigned. When a new show was added it would be added with the default preferred format. I have my work cut out for me with this, but I think it could be very cool. As for the actual handling it would look for the preferred quality on each scan, but if it is unavailable after X number of attempts, it would accept the backup quality, if later the preferred format was available, it would delete the old file and grab the new one. Of course this would be configurable to some extent (number of tries before downloading the backup for one).

Anything I've missed, let me know.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 24th, 2010, 12:47 pm
by jrussell
No luck, i fiddled around for ages trying different things, but nothing works. the file (SABSync) doesnt even run when i make a batch file open it, but it works perfectly when i double click on it......

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 24th, 2010, 6:01 pm
by markus101
By chance did you try to create a scheduled task manually? I wonder if the issue exists with the creation of the scheduled task from the GUI (yet another reason to go to a service instead of a Console application - Which I'm going to work towards).
It has to be something with the scheduled task, if you can create it from scratch, please do, I will try setting it up with the GUI on my Win7 machines (Both x64), It installed fine before, but offhand I can't remember if  I ran it via the scheduled task afterwards.

Do you have UAC enabled? Perhaps you need to right-click the GUI and Run-As Administrator to properly setup the scheduled task, though you may have done this.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 25th, 2010, 12:23 pm
by bwiep
Having problems with Sabsync, it always thinks that the episodes are in the queue... thus doesn't put anything in it?

Episode in queue - 'True'

This shows always in the logging @ all episodes that should be downloaded...
Can you help me?

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 11:10 am
by jrussell
I did try manually creating one, still no luck. And I have UAC off and did fiddle with the settings but still nothing  :(

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 1:04 pm
by recoil
Great idea this is I'd love to get a working tool that will download TV for me without me asking it.

I have installed dot net 4, the GUI runs but when I click on Run SABsync, I get an error saying that a runtime cannot be found

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 2:48 am
by markus101
@bwiep - That's very odd, I looked into the code and don't see why that would happen, but can you post the log on pastebin and post the link please, I'd like to see the log file.

@jrussell - That's annoying :\ Are you able to schedule something else to run? This seems like something more than SABSync, though I've never seen this particular issue before.

@recoil - What OS? I wonder if its having a problem with something else missing, since the GUI runs you seem to have 2.0, but maybe it's looking for 3.0 or 3.5, if you're on Windows 7 this point is moot, since I believe it ships with .Net 3.5.

Some news, SQLite DB has been setup, which I now use as a local history database (though it will be used for more later on), so far so good, and the checking of SAB's history for 100 items is pretty damn slow (5-10 seconds in my testing), mind you with a local DB for SABSync checking it is pretty much useless.

I'm still sorting out the best way to do episode "upgrading", though I think I have a good starting point.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 6:11 am
by recoil
Im runnig windows xp, Ive installed 2.0, 3.0 then 4.0

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 9:43 am
by markus101
Might be a stupid question, but did you reboot, you really shouldn't have to, but Windows happens.

Can you confirm that you do have 3.5 installed? You can grab it here: ... laylang=en

From what I'm reading to use 4 you need the version below it as well, which may be the cause of the error.

If 3.5 is installed and you are continuing to have issues please try the following:
Open CMD, change directory to the SABSync directory (cd "path to SABSync")
Then try running SABSync.exe
I'm hoping something with be printed to the command line, which you can copy by left clicking on the icon in the top left corner of the command prompt, going to edit and then selecting "Select All" and repeating and choosing "Copy".


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 28th, 2010, 3:06 pm
by recoil
I have installed 3.5 and stillet the same error message when I run the sabsync from cmd, nothing comes up in cmd window just get the windows error box

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: August 28th, 2010, 3:32 pm
by markus101
That's frustrating, I've recently had some issues with .Net at work (3rd party apps wouldn't run), though it appeared to be corruption with the .Net framework install.

I have two more suggestions, one is to uninstall just 4.0 and re-install it, just in-case the lack of 3.5 and later installation caused an issue.

The other is to uninstall 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 and 1.1 (in that order) and install from oldest to newest (1.1 back to 4.0) - which corrected the issues I was seeing at work with 2 XP machines.
