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Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 13th, 2010, 11:42 pm
by rascalli
SOmehow when there is an error , it stops working.

I have this error  :

22:23:11,270 INFO  [app.lib.sabNzbd] NZB sent to SAB successfully.
22:30:36,156 INFO  [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] File still unpacking.
22:31:36,223 INFO  [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Found movie via nfo file.
22:31:37,116 INFO  [] TheMovieDB - Parsing RSS
22:31:37,160 INFO  [] TheMovieDB - Found: [{'year': '2010', 'imdb': 'ttxxxxx', 'id': xxxx, 'name': u'xxxxxxxxxx'}]
22:31:37,162 INFO  [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Finding quality for xxxxxxxxx.
22:31:37,191 CRITI [stderr] Exception in thread Thread-5:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 525, in __bootstrap_inner
  File "/home/mario/.moviemanager/app/lib/cron/", line 50, in run
  File "/home/mario/.moviemanager/app/lib/cron/", line 95, in doRename
    finalDestination = self.renameFiles(files, movie['movie'], movie['queue'])
  File "/home/mario/.moviemanager/app/lib/cron/", line 162, in renameFiles
    queue = self.getQueue(movie)
  File "/home/mario/.moviemanager/app/lib/cron/", line 132, in getQueue
    for queue in movie.queue:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I'll also download the new version to see if that might pick it all up

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 3:48 am
by RuudBurger
That means that the movie that is found, has no Queued items. which shouldn't happen because if it had no queued items, it wouldn't find anything to rename :P

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 4:10 am
by JayBird
Another one for you to look at

When i add "The A-Team" 720p, it keeps finding this Arthur.And.The.Revenge.Of.Maltazard.2009.720p.BluRay.X264-HD.Team

Snippet of log file here -

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 5:00 am
by RuudBurger
Made stricter movie checking, which searches for the full name inside the nzb name.
Please check it out, and let me know.

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 5:45 am
by JayBird
Looks like that has rectified it. Re-added The A-Team and it didnt find any weird NZBs

Thank you!

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 4:46 pm
by redalpha
I have another thing:

Code: Select all

23:19:20,889 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
23:20:20,897 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
23:21:20,908 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
23:22:20,966 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
23:23:21,046 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
23:24:21,120 ERROR [app.lib.cron.cronRenamer] Tried to clean-up download folder, but "/Users/redalpha/usenet/complete/Movies" isn't empty.
It just loops every minute.
The folder is empty tho.
Does it properly ignore the :
paths/folders ?

ls -al shows:

Code: Select all

drwxr-xr-x  4 redalpha  staff   136 Jul 14 23:36 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 redalpha  staff   238 Jul 14 23:29 ..
-rw-r--r--@ 1 redalpha  staff  6148 Jul 14 23:29 .DS_Store
Thanks in advance :D

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 5:30 pm
by RuudBurger
Quick update:
Initial support for torrents! (ZOMG!) Not really tested that well. So if you find any bugs. please let me know via github or PM

Fixed. Damn DS_Store files :P

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 5:53 pm
by redalpha
Ha ! Great job :D
Tnx for the update m8

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 14th, 2010, 10:12 pm
by hildi
Ok, I am a noob....please help.

My setup is the following:

Revo 1600 running Win7 Home Premium

I use the Chrome Web browser

I have the latest version of SABNZBD installed and open

I have the latest version of your app (windows RC10)

I set up the settings and everything and installed the IMDB script

now when i click on the movie and select what i want to dl on SABNZBD it says SNATCHED on the App itself but nothing happens on SABNZBD.

In SABNZBD, the Queue shows the following: "index.php!action=getnzb&nzbid=363825&i=XXXXXXX&h=XXXXXXX" (I XXXXXed out my name and password)

What does this mean? Did i miss a setting? Does it mean I don't leave SABNZBD open as a webpage along with Movie Manager in Chrome all day?

My setup is that I leave the comp on all day and it dl's the movies while I am at work.

So are there certain settings that I have to put on SABNZBD or Am i doing something wrong in setting up the Movie Manager Settings? Or do I leave chrome up with only Movie Manager on a web page?

Thanks for any help! Love the concept of your app!!!


Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 12:00 am
by rascalli
RuudBurger wrote: Quick update:
Initial support for torrents! (ZOMG!) Not really tested that well. So if you find any bugs. please let me know via github or PM
What sites does it look on ?

Re: NZB Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 1:51 am
by RuudBurger
the XXXXX should be a NUMBER and a HASHSTRING ( So if you filled in your name there, thats what is going wrong ;)

The Pirate Bay

Re: Movie Manager - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents!

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 12:05 pm
by wilsoncheng
Is there a way to add option to move downloaded movie to destination without creating new folder first?
I try Moving pictures , it work.

Now, i have second issue, I have 2 WD Live HD box also, and it will be much easier if I can move downloaded movie file to same folder.

Can it be easily add to next release?


Re: CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents!

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 2:53 pm
by RuudBurger
Renamed the app to CouchPotato, because that's what you will become if you use the program too long.

If you're using the git version:
in .git/config change "RuudBurger/Movie-Manager.git" to "RuudBurger/CouchPotato.git"

Also a site will be up soon at:

Re: CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents!

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 3:33 pm
by JayBird
Cool new name!!

What are your plans for the history? Would be nice to see more comprehensive info in the history.

Re: CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents!

Posted: July 15th, 2010, 4:06 pm
by Mrkennedy
Nice name, dont forget the donate button ;)