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Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 11:45 am
by sbuser
Looks like you ran the manual post-process. When headphones passes reports to sab it names them like this: "Artist - Album [year]" - anything in that format will be picked up. Default Newzbin reports are named like this: "Artist - Album (year)" which the manual post-processor also picks up.

So in the first case adding spaces around the "-" should allow it to be picked up. The 2nd isn't even close.

I don't know what his plans are for parsing scene/release names. I just added Newzbin because the regex there was easy. Making it pickup the Tri State album above isn't as simple as changing the regex to remove whitespace because then when you get albums with a "-" in them things get tricky.

As noted in the sickbeard forums it is not a simple task to parse scene release names for music. To parse in the way that sickbeard does would require an enormous exceptions database. That might never happen for music - or maybe rembo will get ambitious and it will - but I wouldn't count on it being perfect any time soon.

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 11:48 am
by sbuser
Sorry, I didn't see the Sandy Dane - that should have been picked up. Odd, I thought I fixed that yesterday...


Well that's easily fixed but I'm not sure we want to fix it. It's marked as unprocessed as a result of a previous attempt to process it that failed. Do we expect that the musicbrainz database will have been updated? What would change that would make something that was previously unprocessable able to be processed?

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 12:21 pm
by rascalli
But it is on musicbrainz : ... 39f139bdeb


Feature request : When searching it would be nice if it can NOT download albums that are put into 1 file

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 12:34 pm
by sbuser
Keep in mind this isn't my project so anything I say is just what I glean from doing a few small things.

Let me be more clear. The post processor first checks to see if it can recognize a folder and parse it into what it knows is an Artist/Album using the formats above. If it cannot parse the folder it appends (Unprocessed) and further attempts to post-process that folder will fail at this stage because the name is no longer parsed into an album.

If it can be parsed it continues to verify the album by getting the musicbrainz releasegroup for that album. From here it does 3 tests to see if what has been downloaded matches up with what it expects from the musicbrainz information:

Test 1: it checks the metadata in the file to see if the ArtistName and ArtistAlbum match up to what it expects. - If so it continues, if not
Test 2: it tries a primitive filename check splitting on "-" and etc to see if the files match up
Test 3: it checks the number of media files and compares the duration to what musicbrainz gave

If it fails all 3 checks it marks it as unprocessed.

So the folder you're currently trying to process was previously marked as unprocessed and it's not even trying to process it now. You can have it re-try by renaming the folder and seeing what the output is. Did you check the metadata and the files? Does it look right? Match up as expected?

I found something the other day that was downloaded because I was searching for a self-titled album like "Foo - Foo" and it gave me a result of "Foobar" and then failed post-processing because the files were not what it was expecting because the result parser is still pretty primitive.

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 12:49 pm
by rascalli
renaming did not work, so I placed it manual in the folder now
Maybe the problem was that the album was not 100% the same (Missing some songs) .. who knows ;-)

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 2:24 pm
by flips
@rascalli It was my bad. It was due to one of the folders being named without the year i.e. Artist - Album, instead of Artist - Album (year). Placing all 3 albums in there it now did the others and then left the one with the bad name.

I might of found a couple of bugs recently. I got to a point where it wasn't writting to an error log. It looks like it wasn't pulling a new file. Here are the file sizes:
08/05/2011 07:24 PM 999,953 headphones.log
07/31/2011 06:07 PM 999,997 headphones.log.4

Also, I have a few artists where on the first page it will show 73/89 for how many tracks I have, but then when I go into the album view it says I have 0 for each of the albums.


Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 6th, 2011, 4:08 pm
by sbuser
Looks like he didn't implement log rotation yet.

Are the files that are not showing up by any chance .m4a files?

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 10:09 pm
by sbuser
rascalli wrote:Feature request : When searching it would be nice if it can NOT download albums that are put into 1 file
This will require support from SAB - see my feature request here:

There's no way to tell when the result is a single file without being able to look in the .rar files. To do that headphones would have to have its own usenet capabilities... not ideal.

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 4:44 pm
by flips
No m4a files.. I believe that all the issues are with artists that have “the” or “and” in the artist name. None of the Belle and Sebastian albums are shown on the albums page. I thought that was because I had Belle & Sebastian in the id3 data, but I updated that and refreshed, and even re-imported, but didn’t make a difference. For Peter Bjorn and John, all the albums came in except for Writer’s Block. Maybe something with the apostrophe. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists also had an issue. I don’t think there is enough data written in the log files to get any clues either.

@rembo10 I just updated the new commits (14 or something) and the new UI looks absolutely great! Very nice upgrade! Thanks for the hard work!


Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 7:43 pm
by lollan
Loving the "Mark selected albums as" feature for all albums. Big improvement IMO.

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 4:33 am
by Starf0x
sbuser wrote: Test 1: it checks the metadata in the file to see if the ArtistName and ArtistAlbum match up to what it expects. - If so it continues, if not
Test 2: it tries a primitive filename check splitting on "-" and etc to see if the files match up
Test 3: it checks the number of media files and compares the duration to what musicbrainz gave

If it fails all 3 checks it marks it as unprocessed.
Thank you, I was looking for this, the criteria's for the folder names :)


Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 4:49 am
by Starf0x
I almost forgot:

Yes, Yes, Yes!!
Great tool, finally someone who took the task.
Dude, don't stop, really, I mean really :)


Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 5:16 am
by Starf0x
Small question;

Deleting the 'false positives' became a bit harder, I did this by seeing if an album had a upcoming release of 'None'.
Now I am not able to do this, or I have to open 2 webpages (Main page & Managed artists page) and compare them.
Would it be possible to add the column upcoming to managed artists?

Kind regards, Starf0x

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 6:41 am
by Starf0x
sbuser wrote:Test 1: it checks the metadata in the file to see if the ArtistName and ArtistAlbum match up to what it expects. - If so it continues, if not
Test 2: it tries a primitive filename check splitting on "-" and etc to see if the files match up
Test 3: it checks the number of media files and compares the duration to what musicbrainz gave
Ok, I did these obvious settings, and even ensured all the metatags where properly implemented.
It still finds albums I have but no songs available (I know I have them fur sure, looking at them), how can I improve on this?

Kind Regards, Starf0x

Re: Headphones : Music albums and artists auto download prog

Posted: August 12th, 2011, 7:15 am
by Starf0x
And also logging;
I've just added an albums, asked hp to refresh and it found the album but not the tracks.
If we would be able to see why it is going wrong we could fix this, e.g. wrong naming or tags.
