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Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 4:15 pm
by kricker
Cool, thanks. Yeah I saw you need python and cheetah for running the SVN. I thought maybe there was a way to create the .exe package like the downloads you supply. I can wait patiently for the new version though.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 4:28 pm
by midgetspy
kricker wrote: Cool, thanks. Yeah I saw you need python and cheetah for running the SVN. I thought maybe there was a way to create the .exe package like the downloads you supply. I can wait patiently for the new version though.
You could compile it if you had python and py2exe but it'd be far simpler to just run it from source at that point :0)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 4:39 pm
by kricker
I actually have both of those. I have the source on my dev pc and not my HTPC where sickbeard runs. I may give it a whirl at some point when I have free time. It'd be much easier for me to compile for my htpc than to install python, and cheetah on my htpc.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 5:22 pm
by midgetspy
New build up.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 5:34 pm
by kricker
WOOT! Grabbed the new version. Got it running and things are getting snatched right away! Thanks!

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 2nd, 2010, 1:15 am
by madman420
just updated now i am getting this
Feb-01 22:05:14 INFO    MAIN :: 0: Loading show info from NFO
Feb-01 22:05:14 INFO    MAIN :: 135961: Loading show info from database
Feb-01 22:05:14 DEBUG    MAIN :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE tvdb_id = 135961
Feb-01 22:05:14 ERROR    MAIN :: There was an error creating the show in E:\TV\******: No item with that key
Feb-01 22:05:14 DEBUG    MAIN :: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in loadShowsFromDB
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 101, in __init__
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 581, in loadFromDB
IndexError: No item with that key

****** is the show title.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 2nd, 2010, 2:51 am
by midgetspy
madman420 wrote: just updated now i am getting this
Feb-01 22:05:14 INFO     MAIN :: 0: Loading show info from NFO
Feb-01 22:05:14 INFO     MAIN :: 135961: Loading show info from database
Feb-01 22:05:14 DEBUG    MAIN :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM tv_shows WHERE tvdb_id = 135961
Feb-01 22:05:14 ERROR    MAIN :: There was an error creating the show in E:\TV\******: No item with that key
Feb-01 22:05:14 DEBUG    MAIN :: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 59, in loadShowsFromDB
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 101, in __init__
  File "sickbeard\tv.pyo", line 581, in loadFromDB
IndexError: No item with that key

****** is the show title.
Run the dbfix-r234 (either .exe or .py).

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 2:32 am
by bnevets27
Yeah it filters reports from Newzbin that are marked "(Passworded)" but reports that
haven't been marked yet there is no way to tell. Prioritization is a good idea but
will definitely not come until later.
I just got a nzb from newzbin that has a password. It has been marked "(passworded)". It even has (passworded) in the fetched nzb name. The episode was found though backlog so that may have something to do with it. The log is in the PM. Also I was under that impression that when a search was done would try to get the newest available file, for some reason it picked the older and passworded file.

Also to do with the prioritization of search providers. I know this is lower on your priority list, and I know your focused on getting a stable version out. But I just wanted to let you know that it would help out greatly with completeness. As has been talked about before with difference between the episode numbering on newzbin and thetvdb which causes some shows/episodes to not be found. Though thetvdb is getting a little better. Prioritization of search provides helps out greatly because another search provider can be added that follows thetvdb's numbering convention. I've also had for some reason or another one episode in a series that is normally found on newzbin, not found on newzbin for whatever reason but was on nzbs. Unfortunately if multiple search providers are turned on nzb's aren't always snatched from the "higher quality" search providers when they could have been.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 3:22 am
by Smoke
I recently grabbed this addon and I am absolutely loving it, so thank you for all the hard work! It has already made my life so much easier in the short time I've used it.

I did encounter an issue with my naming scheme for double episodes that is causing Sick Beard to not recognize those episodes properly and improperly rename them. I will admit this is technically my fault, as the FAQ states "Separating the episodes with a dash (-) should work, or an x in the case of 1x01x02 formats", but unfortunately my very large TV collection has already been named using a "1x01-1x02" format for double episodes ( "Show Title - 0x00 - Episode Title" is the format I use for single episodes, which works perfectly ).

I fully understand not wanting to support every potential naming convention in the world, but is it at all possible to support this format for double episodes? ( I do believe it's a recognized format for XBMC by default too. )

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 11:00 am
by Xeijin
This looks great, but does anyone know how to get this to run at startup on Linux? (through CLI, have Ubuntu minimum installed). I managed to get it working by messing around with an xsession file, but there was this huge lag on startup as a result. Preferably I'd like to have it start in its own TTY, so I keep an eye on any errors etc.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 11:46 am
by midgetspy
bnevets27 wrote:
Yeah it filters reports from Newzbin that are marked "(Passworded)" but reports that
haven't been marked yet there is no way to tell. Prioritization is a good idea but
will definitely not come until later.
I just got a nzb from newzbin that has a password. It has been marked "(passworded)". It even has (passworded) in the fetched nzb name. The episode was found though backlog so that may have something to do with it. The log is in the PM. Also I was under that impression that when a search was done would try to get the newest available file, for some reason it picked the older and passworded file.
That report was marked "(Password)" rather than "(Passworded)" like they usually are... so it didn't get caught. I added "(Password)" to the newzbin search exclusion for in the future.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 12:09 pm
by uroflex
I've been using this program for a couple of days now, seems like a really great program but I am unable to get post processing to work on episodes that are rar format. Is it at all possible for it to work without having to extract the episode? I tried to do "Manual Post-processing" and I get the error "Unable to find the biggest file - is this really a TV download?"
I'm using latest SVN on FreeBSD, with Python 2.6.4.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 12:23 pm
by midgetspy
uroflex wrote: I've been using this program for a couple of days now, seems like a really great program but I am unable to get post processing to work on episodes that are rar format. Is it at all possible for it to work without having to extract the episode? I tried to do "Manual Post-processing" and I get the error "Unable to find the biggest file - is this really a TV download?"
I'm using latest SVN on FreeBSD, with Python 2.6.4.
No it's not going to work if you don't extract the episode. It rightly thinks that a dir with only .rar in it isn't a TV download and ignores it.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 12:29 pm
by midgetspy
bnevets27 wrote: Also to do with the prioritization of search providers. I know this is lower on your priority list, and I know your focused on getting a stable version out. But I just wanted to let you know that it would help out greatly with completeness. As has been talked about before with difference between the episode numbering on newzbin and thetvdb which causes some shows/episodes to not be found. Though thetvdb is getting a little better. Prioritization of search provides helps out greatly because another search provider can be added that follows thetvdb's numbering convention. I've also had for some reason or another one episode in a series that is normally found on newzbin, not found on newzbin for whatever reason but was on nzbs. Unfortunately if multiple search providers are turned on nzb's aren't always snatched from the "higher quality" search providers when they could have been.
Are you saying you want provider priority per-show? Global priority will come eventually but I don't have any provider ordering plans aside from that.
Smoke wrote: I recently grabbed this addon and I am absolutely loving it, so thank you for all the hard work! It has already made my life so much easier in the short time I've used it.

I did encounter an issue with my naming scheme for double episodes that is causing Sick Beard to not recognize those episodes properly and improperly rename them. I will admit this is technically my fault, as the FAQ states "Separating the episodes with a dash (-) should work, or an x in the case of 1x01x02 formats", but unfortunately my very large TV collection has already been named using a "1x01-1x02" format for double episodes ( "Show Title - 0x00 - Episode Title" is the format I use for single episodes, which works perfectly ).

I fully understand not wanting to support every potential naming convention in the world, but is it at all possible to support this format for double episodes? ( I do believe it's a recognized format for XBMC by default too. )
I will look into how annoying that'll be to add to the regex list. If XBMC supports it I'll probably support it too :0)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: February 3rd, 2010, 6:59 pm
by Sunii
New user here. Installed alpha r292 today and am having a issue:

Code: Select all

Feb-03 16:43:27 INFO     BACKLOG :: Sending NZB to SABnzbd
Feb-03 16:43:27 DEBUG    BACKLOG :: URL: http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/api?ma_password=&pp=3&apikey=2414db54aad49977ec2eca77e96aac37&name=REDACTED&cat=tv&priority=1&mode=addid&ma_username=
Feb-03 16:43:27 DEBUG    BACKLOG :: Result text from SAB: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Feb-03 16:43:27 ERROR    BACKLOG :: Unknown failure sending NZB to sab. Return text is: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Going to the URL in firefox gives:

Code: Select all

500 Internal error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cherrypy\_cphttptools.pyo", line 126, in _run
  File "cherrypy\filters\__init__.pyo", line 151, in applyFilters
  File "sabnzbd\interface.pyo", line 249, in beforeFinalize
TypeError: api() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ma_password'
sickbeard r292
sabnzbd+  0.4.12
windows 7 x64

Edit: another post refers to this being a issue with 0.4.x, I tried enabling the web password in sabnzbd and still have an issue. Now when viewing the url this is returned:

Code: Select all

500 Internal error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "cherrypy\_cphttptools.pyo", line 126, in _run
  File "cherrypy\filters\__init__.pyo", line 151, in applyFilters
  File "sabnzbd\utils\multiauth\filter.pyo", line 61, in beforeFinalize
TypeError: api() got an unexpected keyword argument 'priority'