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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 11:56 am
by Toresh
I installed Sabnzbd 0.5.3 RC 3 and SABSync and changed the paths in the config to match mine but I am getting en error:
Starting SABSync. v0.5.3.0 - Build Date: mercredi 6 janvier 2010
Current System Time: 31.01.2010 14:28:13
Loading configuration...
Loading RSS feed list from C:\Program Files (x86)\SABnzbd\SABSync\rss.config
Downloading feed NewsBin from
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.CollectionBase.System.Collections.IList.get_Item(Int32 index)
  at Rss.RssChannelCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
  at SABSync.Program.GetReports() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 178
  at SABSync.Program.Main() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 68

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.CollectionBase.System.Collections.IList.get_Item(Int32 index)
  at Rss.RssChannelCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)
  at SABSync.Program.GetReports() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 178
  at SABSync.Program.Main() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 68
Number of reports added to the queue: 0
Process successfully completed. Duration 4s
31.01.2010 14:28:17
I am a member on Newsbin and SabNZBd alone in working without problems.
Any idea of the problem might be?


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 1:03 pm
by markus101
It looks like you didn't put your RSS Feed URL in rss.config

For example my Feed URL is:

Code: Select all
Entering the full RSS Feed URL should fix this issue.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: January 31st, 2010, 1:51 pm
by Toresh
Thanks , that was the  problem :)
I put this:
Now I am getting errors with certain shows:
Starting SABSync. v0.5.3.0 - Build Date: mercredi 6 janvier 2010
Current System Time: 31.01.2010 19:28:35
Loading configuration...
Loading RSS feed list from C:\Program Files (x86)\SABnzbd\SABSync\rss.config
Downloading feed NewsBin from ... rss&fauth=...
Verifying 'Spekter Spill (2010)'
Unsupported Title: Spekter Spill (2010)
Verifying 'Baantjer - Season 8 [DVD 3]'
Unsupported Title: Baantjer - Season 8 [DVD 3]
Verifying 'Home Movies - Season 3 - DVD Extras'
Unsupported Title: Home Movies - Season 3 - DVD Extras - System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at SABSync.Program.IsEpisodeWanted(String title, Int64 reportId) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 471
Verifying 'Spears & Munsil, High Definition Benchmark'
Unsupported Title: Spears & Munsil, High Definition Benchmark
Verifying 'Star Trek: Voyager - Season 1 [DVD 3]'
Unsupported Title: Star Trek: Voyager - Season 1 [DVD 3]
Verifying 'Inside New Zealand - How To Spot a Cult (Part 2)'
Unsupported Title: Inside New Zealand - How To Spot a Cult (Part 2)
Verifying 'The Biography Channel: Batman'
Unsupported Title: The Biography Channel: Batman
As I am  following the show "V (2009)", the format with the year between () not being recognized, it would be a problem.
Idem with those with a colon in the title.

Another question: I must run the program every time I want to check, it is not run once and it checks every X minutes. Is it correct?

Thanks again :)

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: February 1st, 2010, 12:49 pm
by markus101

You should define either TV-Xvid or TV-x264 as the RSS feed instead of just TV (you can have it check both if you want either one). Since we're looking for the pattern "Show Name - 1x02 - Episode Name" anything that doesn't match will be rejected with the "Unsupported Title" error message. There is also support for shows that do not meet those exact standards, "Show - Name - 1x02 - Episode Name" or "Show Name - 1x02 - Episode-Name" and also for daily show naming, "Daily Show - 02-01-2010 - Episode Name".

Shows with (2009) are supported, it will properly check against those on disk as long as it's Show Name (2009) for both Newzbin and on Disk, shows with Colon's in them are also supports Show Name: Sub name.

You will need to run SABSync every time you want to check for new items on Newzbin, the easiest way is with a Schedule Task running every 15 minutes (minimum, since Newzbin complains if you hit it more often on a regular basis).


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 6th, 2010, 3:52 pm
by markus101

The time has come to update SABSync, 95% because Newzbin has gone downhill and 5% because I wanted to do more with SABSync and use different websites, since Newzbin isn't always the quickest at picking up new shows (hence the 5% towards doing it).

I've been thinking on how to best accomplish this, since before Newzbin stopped automatically posting submitted reports for TV Shows (the other 95%). Going back to manually downloading shows, sucks, I could go back to using another application, or I could improve SABSync. So improving SABSync it is.

I have been working on it over the past few days and have come up with something that is working quite well, so far just supporting, but I am looking to expand to support other indexers, namely NZBMatrix and TVNZB (TVBinz as well if I can get access  ;)), are there any others that I should be aware of? 7GBP is decent for 10 years of access to NZBMatrix, plus the site looks a lot better than I remember it being when I signed up for it two years ago.

Are there any features people are dying to have added? I'd like to limit it to a pre-processing application and not force people to use a separate post-processing script to accomplish everything they want, though I do have other scripts for post-processing that I can add features into.

I have these as some ideas, some already implemented in a version I hope to release soon (just doing some live testing on my media).
Get Episode name from
Rename Item in Queue to "nice" name (Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name) to Match Newzbin RSS feed (if they ever get back to 100% capacity) and to allow for multiple indexing sites with different naming conventions (Show.Name vs Show Name).
Item name will be unchanged if the NZB takes too long to download into SABnzbd (likely only an issue if a bunch of NZBs are downloaded), right now it will wait 5 seconds before trying again and will try a maximum of 5 times (25 seconds), this will hold up the processing of other items, but I will likely look into a better way of accomplishing this.
EDIT: I want to add support for PROPERS or REPACKS - Not sure the best way of doing so, but I'm thinking something along the lines of deleting the old file and NZB and then adding the REPACK/PROPER. Gotta be careful though, this could be messy, I would also have an option to enable/disable this.

NZB History directory will be less useful, as indexers can use different naming conventions, which is the reason behind renaming the Queue items, if the rename fails and the item has not finished downloading (extracted, renamed etc) it cannot match the imported file. If the NZB isn't imported properly into SAB this would also be an issue, which I may be able to overcome, I will look into that.

I'll see what I can do to add feature requests within reason.



Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 8th, 2010, 7:23 pm
by markus101
SABSync has been updated!

Updates include:
Support for RSS Feeds other than NewzBin (NZBMatrix,, have been tested, others may work) - Both standard and daily shows should be supported.
Grabbing of Episode Name from
Renaming of items Added to the Queue with the episode name, renamed to: "Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name"
Alias file, for those converting from Newzbin and for better matching on

Config File updates:
downloadQuality - Used for feeds (x264 and xvid included in a single feed)
alias - Filename for Alias.config (default name)
quality - Filename for Quality.config (default name) - Allows you to choose the download quality per TV show

SABSyncGUI has not yet been updated.

Possibly to come (let me know if you would use these features!):
Download Quality per Show/Series - Added in 0.7.2, might be buggy!
If Episode is not on attempt to get name from NZB Title - Could be messy EDIT: Even SAB doesn't do this... We'll see how anxious I am for this.
Support for REPACKs/PROPERs
Any other ideas?

Please let me know if you have any problems - It has been somewhat tested, but likely isn't flawless.



Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 10th, 2010, 3:36 pm
by OneStepAhead
wow, where has this been all my life? this is EXACTLY what i need.

one question, i have a script that i run for 720p mkv files to convert them to mp4 for xbox 360 playback. is there
a way to set this up so a script will be run when a mkv is downloaded? thanks for your hard work!

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 10th, 2010, 4:01 pm
by markus101
You could have your script run for anything that is downloaded with the Category "TV" as that category is being assigned to anything added to the queue by SABSync. (Hardcoded for now).

Your script would have to look for only MKV files (if you're also downloading AVI files/other non-MKV files).

Glad you're liking it.

I have found a couple issues that I'm currently trying to resolve.

If TheTVDB doesn't have the episode name (or it's down) SABSync can't properly rename the file and ends up renaming the file to "Show Name - 1x05 - " And when SABnzbd properly renames the file to your standards it saves the file as "Show Name - S01E05" (as an example) dropping the non-exist episode name. While this is fine for most situations, if you are using multiple RSS feeds (as I am) SABSync can't determine that the show already exists on disk and tries to download it again, while this should be caught by the previously imported NZB check, it fails to confirm the file exists due to differences in the NZB file (in my case, one NZB was: "Show.Name.S01E01.xzy" and the other was: "Show Name S01E05 xyz".

I am hoping to resolve the above issue in one (or more) way(s), properly check for NZBs that use space or periods as separators (and be able to test for both), rename the Episode to have "unknown" as the episode name or check for just the season/episode string for the file on disk (which proves to be more difficult to implement as this could vary greatly from system to system)



Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 10th, 2010, 4:43 pm
by OneStepAhead
markus101 wrote: You could have your script run for anything that is downloaded with the Category "TV" as that category is being assigned to anything added to the queue by SABSync. (Hardcoded for now).
yup, thats what i ended up doing. don't know why i didnt think of that :)

got everything setup, couldnt be happier! now im just wondering what you are using to setup sabsync on a schedule? i would like it to run every 15 or 30 minutes.

thanks again Markus, this is a really great thing you've made. my sister has cystic fibrosis and is nearing the end stage. basically all she can do is lay in bed and
watch TV, so keeping on top of the 30 TV shows she follows was difficult. your efforts will bring a bit of joy to a sick girl, and give me some sanity! can get quite
annoying listen to her say "can you download this...can you download that" now its already downloaded! take care

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 10th, 2010, 5:27 pm
by markus101
I just use Windows Task Scheduler to run it every 15 minutes. Works like a charm, most feeds update every 15 minutes too, so you won't be hammering them too much.

Glad it helps make things easier, it sure has saved me tons of time, for the 3 or 4 days that I wasn't getting new episodes from Newzbin it drove me wild, plus I ended up manually renaming the downloads in SAB to they looked like Newzbin downloads, so this saves me more time in the long run that Dev time, plus I'm having some fun doing it (and learning C#).

Happy Downloading,


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 10th, 2010, 9:19 pm
by OneStepAhead
yeah I set it up in Windows Task Scheduler for the time being, only problem with that is now I have sabsync popping up every 15 minutes. is there a way to run in hidden? or at least minimized?

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 11th, 2010, 1:41 pm
by markus101
I will look into that, currently I have SABSync running on my WHS box (headless) so I don't notice it when it pops up... Looks like there is a way to hide the Window in C#, so I just need to implement it and have a configuration option for it.

I'll see what I can do.


Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 11th, 2010, 6:55 pm
by markus101
Okay, I found an easy way to run it silently. Grab the latest version from GoogleCode (currently 0.8.0), which will include a new EXE called SABSyncHide.exe. Running SABSyncHide.exe will run SABSync.exe as a hidden window (no more console window).

0.8.0 also includes:
-Downloading of Propers (downlaodPropers in the config file - defaults to false). This will delete the current episode on disk and download the proper. It will check to see if the NZB has already been downloaded as well.
-Better NZB checking, will check for spaces or periods in place of the other (Show.Name or Show Name) in the nzb file in-case you are using multiple NZB sites that handle spaces differently.
-If SABSync is unable to determine the proper episode name for a item it will now treat the episode name as "unknown" preventing issues where multiple downloads were occurring, do it SABSync being unable to properly find the episode. "Show Name - S01E05" would not be found as SABSync was looking for "* - S01E05 - *" and SABnzbd stripped out the second dash as there was no episode name. The other way to solve this issue would be to trim out any trailing characters from the search string and narrow it down to just "*S01E05*", but as almost any character could be used as a separator it would be almost impossible to determine which ones to remove and to do it another way would take considerable development time.

Please report any issues, while this has been tested some bug may sneak through!



Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 12th, 2010, 5:56 am
by geebee
Great job on this...just having a small problem...

Code: Select all

Starting SABSync. v0.8.0.0 - Build Date: 11 April 2010
Current System Time: 12/04/2010 11:43:18
Loading configuration...
Watching 53 shows
_ignoreSeasons: The Simpsons=20;The Office (US)=2
Loading RSS feed list from C:\Users\Gareth\Downloads\SABSync_0.8.0\rss.config
Downloading feed nzbmatrix from
Verifying 'Family Guy S08E16 HR PDTV X264 DIMENSION'
'Family Guy' is being watched.
Episode Name is: April in Quahog
Checking directory: \\daisy\Qdownload\sabnzbd\complete\TV\Family Guy\Season 8 fo
r [* - 8x16 - *]
Checking for Imported NZB for [Family Guy S08E16 HR PDTV X264 DIMENSION]
Episode Name is: April in Quahog
Adding report [Family Guy S08E16 HR PDTV X264 DIMENSION] to the queue.
The operation has timed out
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at SABSync.Program.AddToQueue(String rssTitle, String downloadLink, String ti
tleFix) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABS
ync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 1044
   at SABSync.Program.Main() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Pro
jects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 202

The operation has timed out
System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at SABSync.Program.AddToQueue(String rssTitle, String downloadLink, String ti
tleFix) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\sabscripts\SABS
ync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 1044
   at SABSync.Program.Main() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Pro
jects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 202

Number of reports added to the queue: 0
Process successfully completed. Duration 191s
12/04/2010 11:46:29
Files are stored on a NAS. TV sort string is pasted from SAB. Seems to be trying to dl an episode I already have. 

Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Posted: April 12th, 2010, 9:44 am
by markus101
It looks like the issue lies with the SABnzbd information provided in the config, is the proper IP and port entered into the config file? Also ensure the API Key is in there.

If you already have that episode, was it already on disk store as "Show Name - 8x16 - Episode Name" ? Looks like something was off as it couldn't find that episode.
