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Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: February 22nd, 2010, 10:29 am
by NickDawson
inpheaux wrote:
5.5 Mb/s ~= 45mbit, you're right about at your max throughput.

Some of our research has shown that SABnzbd actually performs WORSE as you increase your connection count. So you may be cutting your speeds short by using 60 connections. Generally, the best idea is to use only however many connections you need until you saturate your downstream. This usually only takes a couple connections, 5-10, maybe 20?
Great info, thanks Inpheaux!

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 2:54 pm
by SpiderMang
inpheaux wrote:
NickDawson wrote: Great thread!
SABnzbd says Im pulling 5512.13 KB/s on my 50mbs/20mbs FiOS connection.
My router shows the traffic pegged at 51mbs... so Im not sure which is accurate. 50 mbs or 5.5mbs...
5.5 Mb/s ~= 45mbit, you're right about at your max throughput.
NickDawson wrote: Either way, its reasonable :D . I've been using newshosting, but after reading this thread I signed up for Supernews today. Right now I have them both running for a total of 60 connections. Which leads into another question... Why does the number of concurrent connections matter? If you only had one connection wouldn't it just go through each thread as fast as it could? Wouldn't the end result be the same?
Some of our research has shown that SABnzbd actually performs WORSE as you increase your connection count. So you may be cutting your speeds short by using 60 connections. Generally, the best idea is to use only however many connections you need until you saturate your downstream. This usually only takes a couple connections, 5-10, maybe 20?

The reason you need more than one thread at all is that with usenet each article has to be sequentially downloaded, decoded, and assembled. Since articles are small, it's probably going to take longer to decode and assemble the article than it will to download it. So if you only use one thread it'll download real fast. wait. download real fast. wait. etc, which leads to poor overall speeds since there's so much downtime.

So if you use several connections, the idea is that they won't all be downloading simultaneously, which gets you better average usage of your bandwidth.
What you mean is 5.5 MB/s ~= 44mbit

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: March 24th, 2010, 12:18 am
by yellownote
5512.13 KB/s – I can only dream! The best I've seen here is ~1600 KB/s...

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: March 24th, 2010, 4:13 pm
by ziddey
SpiderMang wrote: What you mean is 5.5 MB/s ~= 44mbit
8 bits in a byte brobro

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: April 1st, 2010, 8:29 pm
by Wreckus
6.4MB/s, 50Mb Comcast.

I'm pretty excited to see if Giganews can saturate the 1Gb connections that Google will be putting out.

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: April 2nd, 2010, 12:45 am
by weldon
When I bring my laptop to University I frequently get 29 MB (megabytes) per second. Downloading tv shows in less than 10 seconds ftw

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: April 11th, 2010, 11:42 am
by sarahb
weldon wrote: When I bring my laptop to University I frequently get 29 MB (megabytes) per second. Downloading tv shows in less than 10 seconds ftw
That's crazy fast!

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: April 15th, 2010, 11:15 am
by Zepp
47 megabytes / second on campus.

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: April 15th, 2010, 3:15 pm
by malaky

It's sad that I am so sad it's that "slow".

I remember when I had 4.5KB/s and now I am impatient because it takes longer than a minute to download a TV show :p

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: May 4th, 2010, 4:36 am
by sander
DaisyGirl28 wrote: I was informed by my IP that my connection speed is 2 mbps. I tend to interpret it as 2 megabytes per second as I have seen some posts but I have also seen others that claim it is 2000 megabytes per second. Makes it quite confusing.
You're mixing up Mbps and MBps.
Anyway: go to , click "Begin Test" and see what your speed is (in Mbps). Divide that Mbps by 10, and you have your MBps speed.

Also interesting: let Youtube find out your speed: and click on click on "Show Test Video".

Rule of thumb: ISPs/Telco's tell you their speed in Mbps (b = bits), applications (like SAB) tell their speed in MBps (B = Bytes); there is a factor 10 between that.

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: May 4th, 2010, 8:13 pm
by hughfan
You guys are lucky here in Ontario with Bell Im pretty lucky to get 400kbps and thats only during portions of the day.. Many times Im only doing 80kbps or less.. Grr

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: May 12th, 2010, 10:19 pm
by mkopel
I generally get 1.5 MB/s with Comcast and Astraweb. It completely maxes out my dl bandwidth.

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: May 16th, 2010, 2:27 pm
by SpiderMang
ziddey wrote:
SpiderMang wrote: What you mean is 5.5 MB/s ~= 44mbit
8 bits in a byte brobro
Exactly what I said.

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 7:17 am
by jnwright23
400 kB/s

Yep. Really sloooooow. :(

Re: What's your fastest D/L speed?

Posted: July 12th, 2010, 3:21 am
by j0rdan
No ones quoted their speeds from the UK yet, so I will share mine.

I download at a constant 50Mbps. (6.25MBps) (yeh, Mbps is a factor of 8 not 10).

Im on Virgin Media's 50Mb cable service and am downloading from Giganews, although I find 10 connection (out of 50) is enough to give me my stable constant speed.

That speed is of course reliant on that system being the only system on the internet of course, when i get other systems doing things like playing games, watchin online videos and the like then it slows way down to about 46Mbps (5.75MBps).