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Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 1:19 am
by rascalli
tried it all ... no luck so far

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 6:15 am
by morre95
okay sorry for this, but if you open index.php and put this

Code: Select all

in the first line after

Code: Select all

And if you refresh the page now, it will leave something at the top of the screen. Tell me what it is please. :P

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 6:51 am
by rascalli
I see the following :


Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 7:16 am
by morre95
Okay weird, I'll try to set up my own linux server and test this. But I am sure this is an setup thing. I'll be back.

Do not forget to remove

Code: Select all

in index.php. Otherwise the script will never work.

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 8:40 am
by morre95
I have installed a Ubuntu server now. And it works just fine. The only thing I have done is to rename all files and folders in autoTvToSab/application/classes from fooBar to foobar. In other words, no uppercase letters. And install.php creates two files in autoTvToSab/applications/config folder, so it must be chmod 777.

@ rascalli, you have to run intall.php again after you have done the above and edit line 54 in autoTvToSab/application/bootstrap.php to

Code: Select all

'base_url' => '/TEST/autoTvToSab/',
and you should be good to go.

If you have svn installed, you can checkout a copy from: ... utotvtosab which has all the files in lowercase.
Good luck. ;D

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 9:45 am
by rascalli
Looks like I need to give up on this.

Did all above , started from scratch .. but again no luck

might this be because my websites are not in /var/www/ , but they are in /website/

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 5:27 pm
by Bluedust
What does this do that Sickbeard doesn't?  Honest question, it took me forever to set up everything and I'm afraid of upsetting it.

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 10:55 pm
by rascalli
It does the same I guess .... but when I look at the screenshots the lay-out is much nicer

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 1st, 2010, 7:11 am
by morre95
@rascalli: I´m sorry for all the problem. But I think you're doing something wrong. I have tried to put it in /var/www/autoTvToSab and /var/www/TEST/autoTvToSab and both works just fine for me. As long as I change the line 54 in bootstrap.php as I showed above. If its in /var/www/autoTvToSab it have to be

Code: Select all

'base_url' => '/autoTvToSab/',
if its in /var/www/TEST/autoTvToSab it have to be

Code: Select all

'base_url' => '/TEST/autoTvToSab/',
to work.

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 1st, 2010, 1:50 pm
by rascalli
I think it has to do with the fact that my apacheserver does not work with /var/www/

My "root www"  is /website

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 1st, 2010, 5:25 pm
by morre95
@rascalli: If you want to give up is entirely up to you. But I think we can get this to work if you are up to it. I have edit this copy of install.php. Simply click RAW, then copy and paste. And the latest ZIP file here have linux support.

I'll gonna check out how I can make this script easier to install when I have the time. It's probably the biggest problem right now. Those of you who have tried to install it feel free to tell me about what was good and bad. I really need feedback so I make this better.

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 12:41 am
by rascalli
I'll keep trying with your updates .. as I liked the interface I saw on teh screen shots.

Is there a way to save the settings ?
Or do I need to put them in everytime I do a new install ? (can you maybe skip install ? )

Does the svn also have linux support ?
As I always love to use svn, so I keep up to date

** EDIT 1  :

Been trying for a long time .. but no luck

I have the following errors when trying to install  :

**  PCRE UTF-8 PCRE has not been compiled with UTF-8 support.  >>>> I compiled from source with UTF-8 enabled , restarted server and even that did not help

** Base url AutoTvToSab requires this line 'base_url' => '/autoTvToSab/', in application/bootstrap.php to be set to 'base_url' => '/autotv/'.  >>>> I ahve put in :  '/autotv/',  & '/autotv/'.    BUt no luck so far

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 5:18 am
by morre95
Sorry but i think i made a huge mistake yesterday with install.php. I can not get it to work on my Windows machine. I blame it on the hangover.

You can delete or rename install.php. All that install.php does is create two files (application/config/default.php and application/config/database.php). You can use these files instead: database.php, default.php if they do not already exist. But then you have to fill them manually.

Svn has linux support. The only thing you need is a svn client. I dont know any good for linux. But ask google about that.

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 8:00 am
by rascalli
Ok trying again.
svn client is no problem, alreday use that for other things.

I see you added suport to, and you need the : URL String.
Is that the part of the RSS feed ?

This part : &i=xxxxx&h=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Re: Auto tv to SabNZBD

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 8:49 am
by rascalli
morre95 wrote: I blame it on the hangover.
We will do that.

Ok I am now on latest svn , filled in all info in the 2 php files

When I surf to : http://ip/autotvtosab/&nbsp; I get the following :

ErrorException [ Warning ]: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/website/autotvtosab/application/cache/.kohana_cache) [recursivedirectoryiterator.--construct]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory

So I added this folder : .kohana_cache
And now I am a step further  ;-)

I am now at :  Image

So now I have the followng question :

* How to add TVSHOWS
* All menu items give me a not availeble page , for example : new series let me go to :
ANd ofcourse thse folders are not there