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Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 4:04 am
by Andi_n

Thank you for the awesome port to iOS. I've made a application to start and stop the service. Web access to Sabnzbd and to a website Kere (is a german NZB site) from where you can add nzb to sabnzb.
This is my very first app I've ever made. So I ask your understanding should be some error. I would like to share it with Jypy to get his consent to share the app. Because I've taken a few things from his program (icons and a few things).

Image Image Image Image

Some functions are still unavailable... is in very alpha state. iPad only for now. iPhone support later

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 5:38 am
by Jypy
Hi Andi_n,

go ahead! :)


Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 11:29 am
by Andi_n

Simply copy to /var/stash/Applications.XXXXX

Edit: New version whit some bug fixes and iPhone support

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 1:16 pm
by Jypy
force close on ipad2 and iphone 4. fw 5.1.1 on both.

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 20th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by Andi_n
If you want i can send the source code to your email

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 21st, 2012, 4:50 am
by Jypy
I've PM you yesterday :)
The app is working fine now.

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 25th, 2012, 1:43 pm
by Contradict
digitaldr wrote:Thanks for a great app Jypy. Unfortunately it (7.3) has stopped working for me. It crashes soon after launching and safari can't find the local host. Everything worked fine on 7.1 so am wondering if it's anything to do with upgrading to 7.3. I tried rebooting uninstalling/reinstalling to no avail Error log is here

Hope you can help. Thanks a million
I'm having the same problem I think.....I'm unable to find host

This webpage is not available
Google Chrome cannot reach the website. This is typically caused by network issues, but can also be the result of a misconfigured firewall or proxy server.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Error 109 (net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE): Unable to reach the server.

I'm dying to get this working properly so any help you can give would be great...

I'm on iPad 3 5.1.1

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 25th, 2012, 1:58 pm
by Jypy
Hi all,

since last libffi update iSABnzbd and iCouchpotato stopped working! I'm looking for a fix but for now the best workaround is to install the old libffi version and disable updates for this package in Cydia.

Here is the last libffi working version: ... os-arm.deb
You can install it from ssh or from ifile.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 25th, 2012, 2:44 pm
by Contradict
Thanks but where do I install it to.....

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: September 25th, 2012, 5:52 pm
by Jypy
Hi all,

as temp and quick fix, I've uploaded on my repo a fake libffi 3.0.10-5b to update the current one.
By faking the version number, Cydia will perform an update that will in fact downgrade it ;)


Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: October 3rd, 2012, 4:36 pm
by Mattoligy
Hey Jypy, I was thinking erlia that it would be a lot easier if ther was a way of initiating iSabnzbd from within safari rather than from the home screen! Is there a way this could be achieved? Maybe a script in the shape of a bookmark? Or a ms tweak that adds "Start iSabnzbd" to the safari context menu?

Also, was you ever able to manufacture a method of a running icon in the status bar?

Thanks for all the great work


Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: October 4th, 2012, 4:30 pm
by Jypy
Hi Mattoligy,

sorry, lately I'm busy with other personal stuff and I don't have time for iSABnzbd and others for now... About a launch from safari, I dunno if this is possible, but feel free to look for it :)
Till now I wasn't able to add a running icon but, Andi_n is working on a real UI for the app, and that will add a lots of great features, like controlling the server or searching & uploading NZB..... Just give us some more time and iSABnzbd will become a must have on IOS :P


btw, I've just updated to SABnzbd 0.7.4.

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: October 7th, 2012, 9:21 am
by Mattoligy
Oh ok that's cool :-)

I really really want to achieve starting/opening iSabnzbd directly from safari, I googled bookmarklet scripts and it seems Lots of things are possible... Here's a page that explains everything about bookmarklet scripts ... plication/

Trouble is I don't have the first idea how to script or code so it's like looking at Chinese lol, is there anyone that could write a bookmarklet script for this?


Ps. All that needs to be achieved is opening either (/Applications/ or (/Applications/

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: October 9th, 2012, 5:14 am
by Andi_n

I think is time to test my app. I need a few beta tester that are interested.

What a i need:
-Bug report
-Features request
-UI errors report

Send me a pm if someone is interested.

Re: iSABnzbd (SABnzbd on Jailbroken IOS device)

Posted: November 5th, 2012, 5:42 am
by Jypy
iSABnzbd updated to 0.7.5 :)