[WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

Hi Flambard,

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm not sure why this occurred, I haven't seen this myself, but I will look into this. Have you seen this with any other items?

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by Flambard »

Yes, it happens with most of the shows I have have on my list. Here's a log from yesterday. All the files added to the queue already existed on my drive, except 21x22 of the Simpsons. That's the only one that should have legitimately made it into the queue.

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

Hi Flambard,

This is just weird, I can't see anything wrong with the code and I'm not having this same issue, but something is causing this. Not sure if your pastebin post expired, or its down due to their server move, but if its not up in the AM, can you repost it please (full log if you can) as well as your config file (remove any sensitive info), or if you prefer, you can email it to: [email protected]


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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by Flambard »

The pastebin link is working fine for me, but I'll mail you the log and my config anyhow.

Happy to help with whatever you need to find the problem :)
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by feerlessleadr »

Great program.  I am not sure if this has been discussed, but I am having a few problems.

The first problem is that when sabsync is sending an nzb to sab, i am getting this error in the history 'URL Fetching Failed; Unusable NZB file, Try Again'  No matter how many times I click try again I get the same error.

My second problem is with the downloading of propers.  It seems that everytime sabsync runs it deletes the proper that I already downloaded and tries to re-download it.

It seems that the reason is that my tv show is renamed to what the TVDB name is and removes the scene name, so it thinks that it needs to redownload the proper again.  Is there a way to have sabsync check sab's history to see if the file was already downloaded?

I can PM you a copy of my logfile if necessary.
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

For the first issue, are you using NZBMatrix as a source? I was seeing this same error with them (downloading directly to SABnzbd with nzbdStatus for FF), their RSS feed has been very unstable, as has the API, If SABSync was able to get the RSS feed, this would be caused by the API not working.

You are correct that SABSync can't tell from the file name after it is cleaned up, SABSync will check for the same NZB in the imported NZB folder, so please ensure you have that folder properly configured in the SABSync configuration (The option is: nzbDir in the config file). Checking the history from SABnzbd is currently not being done, but I looked at the API call and it has been much improved since I last looked at the history call, so I'll add this to the to-do list, it would be limited to the last X number of records, due to the history being rather large. One issue I see with checking the History is I will need to find a way to bypass the check for a Proper, likely by comparing both the name (cleaned up) and the nzbname (scene name).

Let me know if you are still having issues with Propers after ensuring the NZB Backup Directory in SABnzbd matches the nzbDir in SABSync.

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by feerlessleadr »

ah, well for the nzb backup directory, i didn't have that path set in sab.  I guess that means that I haven't been backing up nzb's?

I only download either via rss feed or using nzbdstatus, so I guess I never needed the backup folder.  If the folder isn't set in sab configs, is there a default folder that it goes to so I can point sabsync there?

As far as the feed goes, I am using nzbs.org.

Here is the error from sab:

2010-05-20 11:00:14,638
Invalid NZB file index.php!action=view&nzbid=347226.nzb, skipping (reason=NzbParser instance has no attribute 'groups', line=0)


2010-05-20 11:00:14,638
Error getting url http://nzbs.org/index.php?action=view&nzbid=347226 (cause= "")
I get the above 2 errors everytime sabsync tries to download an episode (which thus far has just been a proper)

::EDIT:: i can download via rss within sab with no problem using the same feed.
Last edited by feerlessleadr on May 20th, 2010, 12:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

For the issue with PROPERs:
You can either turn off Proper support or enable the NZB backup directory in SABnzbd. I'm not sure if there is a default path, but if there is it would be relative to the location SABnzbd is running from and could be \nzb\imported (C:\Programs\SABnzbd\nzb\imported), otherwise just set it yourself and make the paths the same on both setups (SABSync will need to the full path, not a relative one).

As for the error, I just did some testing and got it figured out. While the trunk version of 0.6.x does not throw an error (downloads an empty folder too - another issue), I see why it is happening.

You will need to add the following to the end of your nzbs.org RSS feed in RSS.config:

Code: Select all

That will change the link from going to details to going right to the NZB (as SABSync expects). You will also need your API key for direct downloading, but if its working in SABnzbd RSS feeds, you should be fine

API Key example:

Code: Select all


Let me know if this works.

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by feerlessleadr »

thanks for the reply!

it looks like it is working.  I was able to get the nzb backup folder up and running and also was able to get sabsync to pass along the nzb to sab.

I have a few additional questions.  How do I go about adding shows?  Is there a way for me to have sabsync proactively search for a new show?  would I just create the show folder in my tv directory, or do I add the show to my aliases congif file (I am still a little confused how sabsync filters out the feed, either through the folder names or through the alias config file)

Also, do the tv show directory names need to match tvdb exactly?  for example, i have a show 'Show Name 2009' on my hard drive, but on tvdb it is 'Show Name (2009).  Is that going to be a problem?

Also,  is there a way to filter out false positives?  One example I can think of is the show 'House' which could pickup 'Desperate Housewives', or does sabsync look for exact matches based upon the aliases config file?

sorry for all of the questions, i really like this program so far and I just want to make sure that I am using it correctly :-)
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

Good questions, I'll try to answer them in the easiest way possible.

Adding new shows:
Simply create a new TV show folder and SABSync will start getting new episodes (if available on the RSS feed) next time it runs

Show folders matching TVDB names:
They do have to match exactly as SABSync is replacing 2009 with (2009) when it looks for an alias, simply renaming the show folder to Show Name (2009) will get it matching properly. Country codes are also automatically wrapped US, UK, etc to (US) or (UK).

False Positives:
They should almost never happen as it is matching the exact RSS name to the show folder, when they differ such as the examples in the Alias.config you need to use the alias config, or you sacrifice getting the proper episode names. Partial matches will not occur (such as they do with the built in RSS mechanism with SABnzbd).

Let me know if you have any more questions.

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by feerlessleadr »

Thank you very much for the replys markus!!

this program rocks, and is so far working out well.  thank you for pointing me in this direction from my other thread in the post processing section :-)

I am sure I will have more questions as I download more shows, but i just wanted to say thanks
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

You're very welcome, glad it's all working for you.

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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

I got around to testing SABSync running in mono... and it works up to 0.9.8. SABSync requires .Net 4.0 which isn't implemented in Mono yet, you can compile from source from their trunk, but I haven't done this.

Config files are case-sensitive (as are all paths/filenames).

SABSync is run like so:

Code: Select all

mono SABSync.exe
Dead simple and almost painless. On Ubuntu 10.04 (VMWare Image I grabbed), you also need to install mono libs for 1.0:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libmono-corlib1.0-cil
I did some more testing after I wasn't half-asleep, while SABSync runs, back slashes in paths for Windows fail on Linux and makes SABSync see shows, but later can't see that they are wanted, some work will need to be done to get this to prime time for use with Mono, but its a start.

Last edited by markus101 on May 21st, 2010, 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by feerlessleadr »

I've run into a weird problem over the last two days.  Randomly, my RSS.config, alias.config and quality.config will become blank for no apparent reason.  My main config file stays intact. 

Any thoughts on why this is happening?

Here is the log file right before I noticed the problem:
Error: Unable to connect to the remote server
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
  at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
  at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
  at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
  at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(String address)
  at SABSync.SabService.SendRequest(String request) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\SabService.cs:line 177
  at SABSync.SabService.AddByUrl(NzbInfo nzb) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\SabService.cs:line 39
  at SABSync.SyncJob.QueueIfWanted(NzbInfo nzb) in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\SyncJob.cs:line 131
  at SABSync.SyncJob.Start() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\SyncJob.cs:line 65
  at SABSync.Program.Main() in C:\Users\Markus\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sabscripts\SABSync\SABSync\Program.cs:line 24
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Re: [WINDOWS] SABSync - TV Show Syncing

Post by markus101 »

That's very odd, I've never seen anything where the files get wiped out.

That error appears to be with SABSync being unable to connect to your SABnzbd server (based on the response I received when I connected to that address) - If possible using an internal address could be better, but that error wouldn't have caused the wiping of the config files.

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