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Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 2nd, 2010, 7:05 pm
by rascalli
some feature requests :

* Put back in the missing episode tab
* Make the Home / show page more nicer with for example pictures (hover over and get show info ?)
* Movie Support
* Update from the gui

What you guys think of above  ??

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 3rd, 2010, 7:52 pm
by Ainer
rascalli wrote: some feature requests :

* Put back in the missing episode tab
* Make the Home / show page more nicer with for example pictures (hover over and get show info ?)
* Movie Support
* Update from the gui

What you guys think of above  ??
I'm pretty sure they've all been requested before. :)

But, I agree with Movie Support for sure, but it's also something I could easily live without since movies are much easier to manually manage (especially in conjunction with XBMC).

I don't think I actually used the missing tab (not sure if I missed that version, or just hadn't figured it out yet) so I'm not missing it as much as some seem to be. I don't care that much about the Home/Show tabs being nicer as I use XBMC for showing off, and enjoying my collection, Sick Beard is just a means to that end (but the upcoming episodes is nice as a TV guide type deal, though integrating that into XBMC would be sweet).

And, yeah an update from the GUI would be nice, but with the script I use it's painless and I just check the commit page on github to see if it's needed.

Above all of these, the two things I would like are
1) Newzbin support re-added
2) Support for x264 480p content (if at all feasible).

Apart from that, and movies, the program is already amazingly polished and I'm pretty dang happy with it.


Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 4th, 2010, 9:04 am
by chokomon
rascalli wrote: some feature requests :

* Put back in the missing episode tab
* Make the Home / show page more nicer with for example pictures (hover over and get show info ?)
* Movie Support
* Update from the gui

What you guys think of above  ??
I don't think movie support is necessary, since we have CouchPotato - which is already basically 'SickBeard-for-movies'.  I'd prefer SickBeard stay focused on tv.

I agree with all the other suggestions.  I would add one more: make the program auto-updatable or updatable from within the browser (like CouchPotato does - a big yellow bar appears when there's an update, and the user just has to click an "update now" button)!

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 4th, 2010, 10:45 am
by midgetspy
Hey all sorry for the neglect lately - I've just been busy with summer (yay) and working on a project that actually pays the bills, hehe. I put in a bunch of fixes last night, and most of the stuff I've seen mentioned in the thread lately should be working now. If not just post or make a bug report on google code.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 4:10 am
by ZenFire
Really looking forward to the end product!

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 9:35 am
by Homerboy

Redid my server at home, and went to install SB this morning using the (great) outlined process found at, pulled down the latest Git version (woohoo! finally got it to work!)

When I try to run the (this is on a WHS machine) I get the following error when accessing the website:

Code: Select all

500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\Sick-Beard\cherrypy\", line 660, in respond
    response.body = self.handler()
  File "C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\Sick-Beard\cherrypy\lib\", line 193, in __call__
    self.body = self.oldhandler(*args, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\Sick-Beard\cherrypy\", line 25, in __call__
    return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\Sick-Beard\sickbeard\", line 1148, in index
    return _munge(t)
  File "C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\Sick-Beard\sickbeard\", line 119, in _munge
    return unicode(string).encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\Cheetah\", line 1010, in __unicode__
    return getattr(self, mainMethName)()
TypeError: unbound method respond() must be called with Program_Files_Sickbeard_Sick_Beard_data_interfaces_default_home_tmpl instance as first argument (got nothing instead)
Looking at the mcd prompt window too there is an error mentioning that I "don't have the C version of NameMapper installed...."

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 9:58 am
by lommes
Sorry, i'm just to lazy to read the whole thread, but i hope it has not been asked before.

How does the XXX/YYY episodes downloaded count work? Is it necessary to run a postproc script or does it increase automatically on any sort of download status? I only managed to get it to tell me a number different than 0, by manually changing episodes status to "Downloaded" which is a pain in the ass with a large number of series with many episodes when you can't select all episodes of a series with a given status.

Or does it just not work with backlog searches?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 12:24 pm
by midgetspy
lommes: All you need is to have episodes inside your show dir (named in a sane manner). If you put new episodes in manually you can "Rescan Files" to get it to pick them up or it scans automatically every night. Using the post process script means that instead of waiting until it rescans every night they will update automatically.

Homerboy: does the path you have SB in have any weird chars (_ + etc)? I have seen others with this problem. The Namemapper thing shouldn't matter.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 12:44 pm
by lommes
Thanks alot! I thought that show dir only saves seperate info for every show -.-

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 12:48 pm
by Homerboy
midgetspy wrote: lommes: All you need is to have episodes inside your show dir (named in a sane manner). If you put new episodes in manually you can "Rescan Files" to get it to pick them up or it scans automatically every night. Using the post process script means that instead of waiting until it rescans every night they will update automatically.

Homerboy: does the path you have SB in have any weird chars (_ + etc)? I have seen others with this problem. The Namemapper thing shouldn't matter.
No it doesn't (didn't)
It was just C:\program Files\SickBeard
I reverted back to just the windows executable. Works fine. Just make sure you keep compiling those binaries on a frequent enough basis :)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 1:16 pm
by ZenFire
I apologise if this has been asked before but I just want to know how the post-processing works if you set it up in SB UI, does it run like the search frequency every 30 minutes or just once a day or does it run after every download?

Otherwise for an alpha release this app is rock solid imo so far and I am looking forward to future improvements.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 1:28 pm
by midgetspy

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 5th, 2010, 2:35 pm
by ZenFire
Thanks got it now.  :)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 8th, 2010, 3:43 pm
by clobber
Hey, great work on this tool. I finally made the leap from using the RSS integration in SAB. I have to say, it was not exactly straight forward why I would want to use sickbeard, but once I tried it  - it is really good. Sorry for the long post, but I have some comments and questions after trying SB out.

1) I understand that the Add Shows section is probably going to be re-done. My one request would be to give some sort of better status feedback. The first time I did a multiple add show from root directory, I thought the whole thing had stalled. However, it was really just blowing through The Daily Show which was taking for ever because it was downloading 15 seasons worth of information.

2) Because the multiple add shows from root can take so long, might be worth adding a Pause/Resume? I dunno - would help those of us with unstable internet connections. I would have like to paused the add shows while I worked on getting my Internet PPP connection re-established.

3) When you go to add multiple shows from root directory, should it really display shows that are already in the database? (If you select one and hit continue, it then tells you the show is already in the database). Likewise, when importing multiple shows from root, the only indication that a show is already in the DB is if there is an nfo.

3.5) Could there be an option, when doing the multiple add shows to *only* create the nfo file? Currently you can't do just that, you have to get all the thumbs too. Shouldn't the thumbs (tbn files) be part of the "create images" option instead of "create metadata"?

4) The Home screen tells you how many episodes you have out of the total. Could it also tell you how many you have out of the most recent season? For example, I dont keep around all episodes (10+ years worth) of the the Daily Show. But I might keep the full season until the next one starts. Would be useful o know that I have all 90 episodes for the current season.

5) When adding a show with a bazillion episodes (Jay Leno or Jon Stewart), is there a way to limit what is retrieved? Not only is it time consuming, but I really dont care about Leno episodes from 5 years ago.

6) Very nice graphics in "Coming Episodes." Could that also be added on the individual shows when you are "Managing Shows"?

7) Actually testing sickbeard is not the easiest thing. You have to add a show that has a new episode airing soon and hope it works. If it does not, then try again. I thought it might help to at least add some test connection buttons? Would be nice to verify I have entered and SABNZBD info correctly and that SB can talk to both of those correctly.

8) I dont understand what happens when I change a show from SD to HD? My understanding is that it will try to download all the HD episodes and replace the already stored SD. What if I want to leave all the episodes I've downloaded alone, but make the future ones HD?

9) Having trouble with sabtosickbeard.exe (Windows) script in sabnzbd - Sab logs say the script ran on two episodes. However, show history in SB still says snatched. I thought it would change to downloaded or something?

Edit: Nevermind on this one. I forgot to change the cfg file to have the correct cfg extension (instead of sample)

10) As I look at the details for a particular show in "Manage shows," it tells me there are some unaired episodes coming up. After those have aired and I have downloaded, do I have to rescan to get new unaired episodes listed?

11) Once sabnzbd downloads the episode, the sabtosick script is kicking in. Looks like the last two steps are to move the file to the final destination and then rename it. Is there any way to reverse that operation. Mediaportal (at least my version of TV Series) does not like me doing that.

Again - awesome tool. I think it will only get better!

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 9th, 2010, 1:22 am
by rascalli
clobber wrote: 7) Actually testing sickbeard is not the easiest thing. You have to add a show that has a new episode airing soon and hope it works. If it does not, then try again. I thought it might help to at least add some test connection buttons? Would be nice to verify I have entered and SABNZBD info correctly and that SB can talk to both of those correctly.
It is pretty easy to test , as it will also grab older files that are alreday released.
Just make sure you change : SKIPPED to WANTED  .. and you are ready to go.
clobber wrote: 4) The Home screen tells you how many episodes you have out of the total. Could it also tell you how many you have out of the most recent season? For example, I dont keep around all episodes (10+ years worth) of the the Daily Show. But I might keep the full season until the next one starts. Would be useful o know that I have all 90 episodes for the current season.
Maybe it is an option to set all earlier seasons at : ARCHIVED

clobber wrote: 10) As I look at the details for a particular show in "Manage shows," it tells me there are some unaired episodes coming up. After those have aired and I have downloaded, do I have to rescan to get new unaired episodes listed?
SB does do this automaticly , I believe once a week (but not 100% sure)
clobber wrote: I dont understand what happens when I change a show from SD to HD? My understanding is that it will try to download all the HD episodes and replace the already stored SD. What if I want to leave all the episodes I've downloaded alone, but make the future ones HD?
Did you try it ? what happens then ?

I tried it , and for me it leaves all downloaded versions at SD .......... And new ones are grabbed in HD
If you want to replace the SD ones with HD , you need to mark the SD episodes as WANTED