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Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 14th, 2010, 2:29 am
by clobber
Just bumping this one issue:

Once sabnzbd downloads the episode, the sabtosick script is kicking in. Looks like the last two steps are to move the file to the final destination and then rename it. Is there any way to reverse that operation. Mediaportal (at least my version of TV Series) does not like me doing that.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 15th, 2010, 11:54 pm
by unisonruss
I just want to add some praise. I got home from a really shitty night at work, turned on my TV, and checked to see what was new in my TV Shows via Plex. My jaw dropped open when I saw about five new TV shows ready to be watched. I just came from using warez for my download needs, and normally I would have had to scour for links, add them to jDownloader, unrar them, rename them, and move them to the proper folders...and finally update my library. Today, thanks to the awesome software SABnzbd and SickBeard, everything was done for me. Thank you so much for all of your contributions to SickBeard, I'm very happy :) It truly is the DVR I've always wanted!  8)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 18th, 2010, 1:51 pm
by notphilip
Thanks for this sweet application. It really will make managing my htpc so much easier.

Quick question though, how do most of you add new tv shows for sickbeard to track? The way I see it, I still have to manually download at least one episode of a show, then add it to sickbeard, then go to manage my shows and set the rest of the episodes to wanted. This program seems too automated for a process this convoluted to add a new show.

Also is there a way to force it just to grab all the missing episodes besides going through and setting the missing files as wanted?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 12:25 am
by clobber
From what I have read in this forum, the developer is working on a better way to add shows. You don't necessarily have to download an episode to add the show. All you need is a folder with the name of the show.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 6:50 am
by Eejit
clobber wrote: All you need is a folder with the name of the show.
I hope that this isn't the case. Not GF/wife friendly. My wife has trouble navigating to the download folder as it is, never mind creating a folder.
I hope the way it's implemented is the folder is automatically created in the default downloaded directory. A simular way that Episode Butler does it.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 9:05 am
by rascalli
no need to make folder when adding the show , it will make the folder auto

BUT ... you need to give the path where you want to download it to.
So you need to make the download path a bit wife/gf friendly

Otherwise it will make the folder in the root path of sickbeard.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 12:43 pm
by clobber

You're saying that if under "Add Single Show" I put "C:\PATH\SHOWNAME" that SB will create that folder? Did not know that.........


No offense intended here, but if GF/wife has trouble navigating folders should she really be the one configuring shows?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 4:12 pm
by Eejit
I wish she didn't have to, but as I work away for weeks at a time, I can't alway's be here to do it for her  :-[

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 19th, 2010, 6:23 pm
by cman675
I think a great feature for this already amazing program would be to have a "shutdown computer" function when all the shows for the day have been downloaded and post processed.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 12:27 am
by rascalli
clobber wrote: rascalli,
You're saying that if under "Add Single Show" I put "C:\PATH\SHOWNAME" that SB will create that folder? Did not know that.........
Indeed it will do that
Eejit wrote: I wish she didn't have to, but as I work away for weeks at a time, I can't alway's be here to do it for her  :-[
If you have internet axx @work , you can still do it when you are away.
So it all ends up in the correct folder

I think you need to make her a how-to , with all paths written in it   ;-)

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 4:07 am
by Eejit
I agree to a certain extent with what your saying, but it would be better if there was a default folder set, for the likes of my wife,
which the option to change the dowload folder if required by others.

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 6:18 am
by scope
Is there an option to pause a series?  Say I added a new series only to see if its any good, so manually fetch E01 but dont want SB to start fetching any new episodes until I tell it to..
OR, if you half way through a season for whatever reason want to stop SB downloading a particular series.. I wouldnt want to delete the series from SB, just pause it.

If its not possible, could it please be added?

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 7:23 am
by rascalli
scope wrote: Is there an option to pause a series?   Say I added a new series only to see if its any good, so manually fetch E01 but dont want SB to start fetching any new episodes until I tell it to..
OR, if you half way through a season for whatever reason want to stop SB downloading a particular series.. I wouldnt want to delete the series from SB, just pause it.

If its not possible, could it please be added?
Not possible atm.
An work around could be to set the new episodes as skipped/ignored

BUt I do not understand why if you add a show you like , you want to stop it for a few months .. and later start grabbing again

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 7:44 am
by scope
rascalli wrote:
scope wrote: Is there an option to pause a series?   Say I added a new series only to see if its any good, so manually fetch E01 but dont want SB to start fetching any new episodes until I tell it to..
OR, if you half way through a season for whatever reason want to stop SB downloading a particular series.. I wouldnt want to delete the series from SB, just pause it.

If its not possible, could it please be added?
Not possible atm.
An work around could be to set the new episodes as skipped/ignored

BUt I do not understand why if you add a show you like , you want to stop it for a few months .. and later start grabbing again
I was just trying to come up with an example. :)  For me it is the first example,  I added a new series I have been recommended, used SB to fetch S01E01, but I havent got around to see it yet - in the meantime SB has started fetching the new episodes from the latest season.  Ideally I would like SB to hold fire, until I know I live the series..

Re: Sick Beard (ALPHA) - Download/sort/rename episodes, XBMC/growl integration, more

Posted: August 20th, 2010, 10:33 am
by Arteekay
scope wrote: Is there an option to pause a series?
You can pause a series from the edit page for each show.