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Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 12th, 2008, 9:33 pm
by RageX

First off, congratulations on the best damn binary downloader in existence!

I primarily download TV series from Usenet using RSS feeds from and Newzbin.  The problem I am commonly coming across is that Sabnzbd+ will download the same episode two or three times.  I have been manually checking and deleting duplicates before they are downloaded, but often it happens when I am asleep.

Back when I used to use torrents with Ktorrent and uTorrent they both had "Series" handling built into the RSS readers, so in the filter you ticked "Series" then entered the series number, and what episode to start downloading from.  They would then watch RSS feeds for the pattern match with the series number and episode number and only download each episode one time.

It would be great to see similar functionality in sabnzbd+ and would save me a couple of GB a month!

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 13th, 2008, 5:06 am
by RXP
There's already a program out there that does what you want, and alot more. NZBTV

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 13th, 2008, 6:23 am
by huleboeren

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 14th, 2008, 1:00 am
by RageX
The problem is that neither are written in Python and NZB-TV is for Windows.

On the upside the developer of FloamTV emailed me to let me know that he will be adding support to output to a queue directory in the next version!

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 16th, 2008, 9:44 pm
by ugokanain
Not quite to the reason of the first post, but to the subject of this thread. I am using EpisodeButtler ( ... de-butler/, however it mangles the names (changes the spaces into underscores) and sab has problems recognizing the proper show to which it belongs. Any chance that sab could change the underscores to spaces when trying to match a show to the post?

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: October 18th, 2008, 5:41 am
by Camelot
I use episodebutler and the function to send them directly to sabnzbd, and I have not been running into the problem with the underscores...

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: November 18th, 2008, 3:54 am
by ugokanain
On the mac version, there seems to be a problem. Had to use as the host in the sab config for EB to talk correctly with sab. Before that I was saving the nzb files, and the moving them to my queue folder. When EB saves the nzbs, sab had trouble retrieving the proper episode name. However, since the latest update, sab process the nzb better. It stores the dl in the correct tv show folder, however it still doesn't get to retrieve the episode's name.

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: November 18th, 2008, 8:41 am
by switch

Nzb's need to named in a certain way for episode names to be found, basically the last part of the nzb name needs to be like " - Episode Name.nzb"

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: November 22nd, 2008, 7:43 pm
by ugokanain
The trouble is that the file name is "_-_Episode_Name.nzb"

Re: Better handling of TV Series

Posted: November 22nd, 2008, 7:46 pm
by switch
Hmm, that should be supported in 0.4.4 and 0.4.5, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.